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* The next day *

Today is graduation, I'm so happy I get to leave school, I wake up and I go to take a shower, then I go to my and change into my outfit

Today is graduation, I'm so happy I get to leave school, I wake up and I go to take a shower, then I go to my and change into my outfit

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I then go to my vanity and do my hair and makeup

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I then go to my vanity and do my hair and makeup

I then go to my vanity and do my hair and makeup

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Then I walk out of my room greeted by everyone and I mean everyone, Brennen comes up to me and hugs me and kisses my head

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Then I walk out of my room greeted by everyone and I mean everyone, Brennen comes up to me and hugs me and kisses my head

Brennen: Baby, you look so cute.
Me: Thanks baby.

I grab my cap and gown and we all leave, we arrived at the school and I went to the gymnasium, I wait until it was time to go to the auditorium to get our diplomas, it was time and we all go up, they called names until they got to mine

Principal: Lucy Webber.

I walk down the isle and I hear everyone yelling

Brennen: THAT'S MY BABY!

I smile and I grab my diploma and I hand shake all the teachers, I sit down and I hear Austin's name after mines

Principal: Austin Robertson.

He walks up and he does what I did and he sits next me, I look at him and smile and he smiles back, we through our hats in the air and cheered, I'm finally done school forever, we go back to Colby's apartment and have a party, but me and Brennen where making out in the bathroom, we stopped to breath, and we left the bathroom, we go back to the party, I was thinking of making a YouTube channel, so I grabbed Colby's camera and I was going to do a staying over my friends house for 24 hours, so I told everyone that I was tired and that I was gonna go home so the only person that knows is Brennen, we got to the apartment, I put on joggers and Brennens sweatshirt, I only have socks on, we then grab my stash of hot Cheetos, then a pillow and a blanket, I decided to just do it for fun and not to video so I was going to put Colby's camera back, we then go back to Colby's house and I quickly run to the out it was a prop closet so there is no need to use it, I hear the music stop and people saying  bye, I then hear Colby's bedroom door close, I look out the door and I see nothing, then I hear moaning, I walk to Colby's door and it's opened a little bit so I look through and I see Colby's masterbating

Colby: Ugh, Lucy.

I was thinking well I mean he does like me so I don't I just help help him, I walk into the door and Colby sees me and stops

Colby: What are you doing here?
Me: Helping.

I get on my knees and I help him

( okay girlies you're just gotta use your imagination and think of what they're doing )

We where sitting there panting, and naked, I look over at Colby and he looks at me

Colby: Are you with Brennen?
Me: He never confirmly asked me.

Colby pecks my lips and we both fall asleep in each other's arms

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