part 1

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noen: hey ;)
you: what do you want? xD
noen: oh nothing, i just want to talk to you
you: about..?
noen: okay so like...there's this girl
you: mhmm
noen: and um...she fineee
you: how fine
noen: hella fine
you: that'
noen: yeah...welp, ttyl cutie
you: haha, alright
you: i need help
best friend: why, what happened
you: noen
best friend: what about him
you: he likes someone..
you: please don't say anything, at least not yet
best friend: but-
you: i don't want him knowing i like could ruin everything
best friend: but doesn't noen call you cute? and use this face a lot ";)"
you: yeah, but surely as a joke
best friend: are you sure about that?
you: positive
best friend: if you sayyy soooo
you: come on, he could never like me
best friend: of course he likes you, you're fucking gorgeous
you: not really
best friend: stfu, yes you are
you: :(
best friend: just tell him that you like him
you: i can't do that! what if he doesn't feel the same way...
best friend: he will
you: how do you know that?
best friend: i just do

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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