The First Glance

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What a miserable morning Krystal had, she didn't expect bullies would still follow her in high school. Some people just don't mature. It's been almost 3 years and her 5 friends are always there for her. They are very loyal and wonderful, much better than the fake bitches in her school, right?

Also, not only did she have her 5 friends, she fell in love at first sight with a guy she met during her trip to Toronto. They were both in 7th grade when they signed up for the end of the year trip. She met him through one of her 5 friends who introduced him to her. It went well. He was all she ever wanted from a guy, nice hair, sparkly eyes, hot and sexy low voice. Her ideal guy and extra points, he's not a pervert.

She would've confess her love to him when they went on the CN tower, one of the most romantic spots in Toronto, but she didn't want to get her heart broken again, like in the past. So, she'll wait until they get really close, which they did in 9th grade. They had so much in common that they began to talk to each other every day. Conversation was easy to make and very fluid because of their close friendship.

The weird part is that he never talks to her in reality. They talk on Facebook, but are quiet once they see each other. She tries to get closer, he always shuts the door. He's really shy though.


September 15

*On Facebook*

M (Mike): I have something to tell you

K (Krystal): What ?

M: I love you.

K: Stop joking. You've been doing this for months now.

M: But I do.

K: Fuck you, I'm not falling for it.

M: It's true.

K: My ass.

M: Kiss kiss

K: No, just no.

M: Why you so mean to meee?

K: 'Cause you're an idiot. You did the fuckin' same thing yesterday.

M: I want to fuck you.


M: Meet me at my locker at lunch. Don't make me wait.

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