Oh fuck😬

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Principal: ok so we went over the footage from the cameras in the hall
Dior&the bandkids:mmk
Principal: so Jamel, Corey, Daniel, and derko are suspended for 2 months and you 2 weeks
Dior: what why me?!
Principal: it's only fair plus you might want a break you work really hard in all your classes you have been a straight A student since the beginning and Kaylee can go with you if you want
Dior: No! Kaylee is gonna stay.
Principal: ok. Now who are you all?
He said looking at the guys
Neek: we are the bandkids
Neek said smiling
Isaac:I'm Dior's best friend and these are my bros Jay,Sauve, Neek, and kk
Principal: why were y'all here if you don't come to school?
Kk: coz we came to drop off anotha bandkid
Principal: who?
Sauve: lil mosey
Principal: real name?
Sauve: lathan Moses Echols
Principal: ok. Well thank you for protecting my top student you all may go now.
Dior: can I at least get my work?
Principal: tomorrow.
After that we walked outa of the office, I let out a deep breath
Jay: what's wrong?
Dior: we'll since I'm suspended I'm gonna have to work twice ass hard to provide for me and Kaylee I'm gonna go find a job or two see ya later.
Neek: WAIT!
Dior: woah what
Neek:how much money you need?
Dior: none now goodbye.
I said hugging Isaac and dapping the boys up
Isaac: wait!
Dior: omg what!?
Isaac: come here
I walked over to him
Dior: ¿Que quieres?
Isaac: don't think you could leave sin la bendición
He said dando mi la bendición
(Idk what it is in English oop google it or sum😬)
He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug
Isaac: i love you stay strong mamas I'll be over in a lil
Dior: I love you to bub
I did the same thing he did to kissing his forehead and leaving to my car
I sat in my car thinking for i don't know how long when I heard a loud knock on my window causing me to pull out my gun that I keep under the seat
Dior: Royce?
Royce: yuh now put the gun down shawty
Dior: Mmk
I said putting the gun away and unlocking my car
Royce: you good ma?
He said while getting in my car making me realize he was in completely different clothing
Dior: did you change?
Royce: what no I'm still Royce
He said laughing
Dior:No I mean like clothes
Royce: don't worry bout it ma
When he called me "ma" or "shawty" omfggggg I get called that all the time but he just ugh he makes me idk wet...
Royce: Shawty!
He said snapping pulling me outta my trance
Dior: oh um sorry what?
Royce: what was you thinking bout?
Dior: don't worry bout it ma
I said mocking him and laughing
Royce: Im not playing I'm not yo little joke
He said grabbing me jaw
Dior: Ok stop please your hurting me
Royce: do you wanna get punished?
He then kissed me roughly
Dior: w-what
Royce: Do you *rough kiss* wanna *leaves a hickey on my neck* get Punished *grabs my kitty*
Dior: you won't do shit
I said knowing I was making him mad
Royce: you sure bout that
He said sticking his free hand in my pants and pulling my face closer to his
Dior: yes.
Fuck sis was wetter than the Atlantic Ocean
Royce: hm let's find out if I will
He then put 2 fingers in me causing my breath to hitch
Dior: F-Fuck
Royce: you like that baby?
He said moving his fingers in and out faster and faster
Dior: Y-No
Royce: oh really?
He went faster and faster kissing me roughly then giving me hickies
Dior: F-Fuck r-Royce I'm gonna c-cum
Royce: that's not my name!
Dior:sorry D-Daddy!
Royce:cum for me babygirl
Dior: Fuckkkk
I came on his fingers, he pulled them out licking them clean never looking away from me
Royce: bye ma
Dior: wai-
Before I could finish saying wait he was walking towards his car
Dior: wtf just happened?
I drove home and immediately showered I couldn't stop think about what had happened
Dior: Isaac is gonna kill me! Omg he can't find out I let one of his BROS finger me! FUCKKKKKK!

I know this is bad I have never written smut ok I'm sorry this is really cringe Omg bye🥴

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