Chapter 10

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Allen--or should I say Alex, I'll have to get used to that--quickly slid the sunglasses back onto his face, but it was too late. Almost everyone in the restaurant came running over, looking for an autograph or a picture or something. I was a little shocked, to be honest. I didn't know that the Arctic Monkeys were even that popular anymore. Apparently, they were.

"Ohmygosh Alex can I have an autograph?!" yelled one obsessive fangirl. I noticed her as the girl with the coffee.

"Will you take a picture with me please?" shouted another girl, Fangirl #1's friend.

"Wait, are you his girlfriend?" another teenager, one I didn't recognize, asked.

"No way," I heard someone whisper. "She's not nearly pretty enough."

My stomach dropped down to my shoes. Of course I knew I wasn't pretty enough for a rock star like Alex, but I didn't need some invasive bitc-I mean jerk!- telling me that. I shot a nasty look her way and then turned back to Allen - I mean Alex! I could tell he heard that girl, as he reached out and touched my hand.

"Don't listen to them, they're jus' jealous," he consoled. It was amazing. I had met this man less that an hour ago and already it felt as if I had known him all my life.

He was right, of course. I know I would have been jealous of any girl lucky enough to be with Alex - especially when I was going through my Arctic Monkeys obsessive phase. And it just boggled my mind that I - me, some random average girl - could be on a date with Alex! I mean, I absolutely idolized Alexa and Arielle. What if...that would be me to some little girl? But I was ahead of myself. We had only been on one date. Or rather, only about a half of a date.

"Lets get out of 'ere," said Alex. I was a bit surprised that he wasn't going to sign anything. But then I saw the look in bitchy-comment-girl's eyes and knew that he had. He was so sweet.

He led me by my hand out the door of the Cracker Café and into the harsh winter air. I shivered and pulled my coat close around me. Alex turned to me.

"So," he said. "I suppose you must have tons of questions. Luckily, I know just where we can go."

He led me down a cramped little side street with so many twists and turns they could have made it into a carnival ride. Just as I was about to suffocate (I was really claustrophobic) we exited into a tiny clearing - except in the city. It was completely empty with not a soul in site. There was a little green area with a few trees and one or two benches. It was surrounded with cute little buildings - I'm not sure what their purpose was - and the entire scene glimmered in the afternoon light. It was...
"Beautiful," I said. "Absolutely beautiful."
Alex smiled. "I'm glad you like it," he responded, looking genuinely glad that I was happy. "Hopefully here we won't get attacked by fangirls," he added with a chuckle.
He led me over to one of the many benches and we sat down.
"I'm guessing you 'ave tons of questions," he said, and I nodded. In fact, I was bursting at the seams with them.
"Well," he said. "Now would be a good time to ask."
And ask I did.

Quick Author's Note:
Hey guys, I'm having a tough time getting Alex's accent and slang and stuff down, seeing as I'm not British, nor do I know any British people in real life. So ya know, if you could tell me how I'm doing and maybe give me some tips that'd be great! Especially with British slang and terms that are different there than those in the US. Thanks guys!

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