Goodbye, friend

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Tadashi nodded. "Well, it's better than not safe at all." He accepted her help, but he couldn't quite understand why she was helping him.

For now, he did as she said. Days passed while he stayed in her apartment. Then he had to ask. "Leiko?" He whispered her name. The two had been laying down in the room, he was on the floor while she was on the couch.

She looked down at him, her eyes barely open. "Yes?" She replied. "Why...why are you helping me?" He asked softly. She replied simply, "Because I can't lose you again."

Tadashi nodded and replied, "Alright." He rested his head on the pillow, holding the blanket that was over him.

Hours later, he had woken up way before she had. He didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to make her go through so much trouble. He took a pencil off the table, and a sheet of paper.

He wrote: I'm sorry, Leiko. I had to leave you again. Yokai is going to come after me, and I can't have you be injured due to my actions. Please, don't come looking for me and forget what happened in the past few days.

With that completed, he walked out the door. Tadashi looked around the lit up area, and figured out where he was supposed to go: to find his motorcycle. It was three blocks away, and he ran to it. That way, if Leiko woke up, she wouldn't be able to locate him.

Once he was there, he started the black, heavy-duty bike up. He put his high-tech helmet on, inputting the coordinates of a deserted vicinity. Then he was on his way.

Passing Leiko's apartment, he whispered to himself, "Goodbye, friend."

Author's Note: The next, and final, chapter will be very long. And if you read it, your heart will hurt.

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