Chapter 3 - The difficult wench problem

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“What in the hells you be doin boy! I gives you a specta team, and you lose half of dem and don return wit no Nova’s head!” Tosh scolded me.

Yes, the taking down of the wench was proving by far more difficult than any of us had imagined. Yet it wasn’t my fault. My team was assembled without much thought and not by me. They also would not heed the “-1”, save when their lives depended on it.

“Come on Gabe” I say to Tosh condescendingly who by this time looks furious. “That team you made me was the crappiest I’d ever seen bra!” I shot back at him with my hands up, unwilling to let him think me a fool.

To this the Haji native responded with a dirty look. After a pause he then told me “So what do you need boy to get dis ting done?” much to my surprise.

“Hmmm … well first off, I need guys with no fat egos mon!” I say mon mockingly just to get through to Gabe’s thick skull. “The idiots dat died kept undaestimating that woman” I begun sarcastically mocking Tosh’s accent and explaining the very most basic problem. “I also need to plan us a good trap, you just don’t go hunting no Nova like some zerg you know” I then say pointing at Gabe and his folly.

“What?! You dare!” Gabe is frustrated by then with my attitude. He then lets loose a sinister smile. “Ah, I c, you indeed b d right man for da job … okay den, you call d shots … but … you’d betta deliva” Gabe then walked off while he flipped his butterfly knife back and forth across his hand.

I then go off to the Spectre barracks, determined to find me the team that can get this job done. When I arrive I relieve the remaining two members of my incompetent team. I do so before Nova can get her dirty blade through their hearts. She almost did so a day before too, had I not intervened.

I then behold the Spectres lounging about on their day off. Some of them are playing card games, others remain solitary and sharpen their knives or work with their weapons. A few lift weights, or watch holograms. And then there are the wack jobs, at least that’s what I call them.

The wack jobs are Spectres that are most addicted to inhaling Terrazine to give them hallucinations. They inhale that stuff with the big long drags and without any hesitation. I shake my head as I walk past them.

I go to my top bunk and lean back and observe my fellow Spectres. I do so for hours while I read their profile files from my hologram. Many of the Spectres I don’t even think twice about. No way would I pick a wack job, nor many of the most egotistical Spectres.

After much thought and observing the available Spectres I decide to pick 3 to form my 4 man team. I would lead Jango, Tango, and Depp. With their temperaments and complimentary skill sets I can now form the perfect trap. “It will feel good to get that wench off our backs” I think to myself as I relax for the night.

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