recording studio And Telling The Lads

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Louis woke up smiling, remembering the conversation that he had with Harry yesterday afternoon on the couch. Haz, we have to get going to the studio today. Louis said as he kissed his boyfriend to try and wake him up. Five more minutes. Harry mumbled rolling over and drifting back to sleep.

Now Hazza, or we're going to be late, again. Louis whined not wanting another lecture about being late from management also known as some of the biggist homophobic pricks on earth. Harry said nothing, he just snuggled further into the warm blankets. Louis smiled mistrevously pulling the blankets off Harry.

Hey. Harry pouted beginning to feel the fresh, crisp, cold morning air on his shirtless body. I did warn you, Mr Styles. Louis sassed. Walking towards the bathroom to get ready. Harry just smirked as he eyed his boyfriend off.

God he's sexy. Harry thought as he thought of Louis' features. Harry admired Louis' hair the way it fell into place perfectly, but also could be messy and yet still attractive, Harry admired Louis' eyes the color of them was like a calm ocean, the way Louis talked in his sleep even though it didn't make sence, the way Louis felt insecure about himself.

Harry could go on all day making a mental list of all the things that made his boyfriend attractive but he had to get up and get ready. So Harry being Harry snuck into the bathroom and got into the shower with Louis and snaked his hands around him. Argh what the fu- Louis bagan but was cut off by Harry when he pined Louis to the shower wall and kissed him.

Don't cuss, love. Harry smirked, kissing Louis on his neck where his sweet spot is. Louis moaned feeling turned on. H-Haz-za we h-have t-to get rea-dy. Louis stuttered. But- fine. Harry sighed knowing Louis was right. Both lads quickly finished washing themselves and got out and dried them selves.

Harry's outfit was layed out already to go. It was a grey button up shirt with skinny black jeans and gucci sneakers complete with a gucci bracelet that Louis had braught for his birthday.

Louis wore something more casual and comfortable because after all they were only going to the recording Studio, none the less though, Louis pulled the look off well. He wore a bright orange sweatshirt with white aladdis track suit pants that had black stripes going down the side.

Once the couple had finished gotten dressed they decided to make a quick stop at Starbucks seeing as they were running five minutes behind schedule. Once they had finally reached the building the both got out of the car with the startbucks the had baught and walked inside hand in hand.

Took you long enough. Niall said in a thick irish accent as he happily grabed the food Harry handed him. Oh shut it Nialler. Louis sassed. Not my fault the two if you were having morning shower sex. Niall snicked under his breath but everyone still heard it. Just cause you can't get some. Liam laughed hiding the fact that he was glad Niall was single.

Ok lads enough chit chat we have to get recording. Michael, the boys music producer said sitting down with a pen and paper. Anyone have any lyrics in mind that they want to share. Michael asked. I actually have a song I wrote a couple of years ago. Harry stated. Haz, how come you never told us. Louis asked surprised, he and Harry never had secrets between them. Well it was kinda personal and I wrote it before One Direction. Harry explained. Would you like to share it with us. Michael asked. I don't know. Harry said feeling shy. Come on Harry, please. Louis pleaded with his boyfriend. Ok. Harry sighed as he got up and walked towards the piano.

Pretty soon Harry was singing;
Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
We don't know where we're going
But we know where we belong

And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home

Sweet creature
We're running through the garden
Oh, where nothing bothered us
But we're still young
I always think about you and how we don't speak enough

And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
I know, it's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home

I know when we started
Just two hearts in one home
It gets harder when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You'll bring me home

Harry finished the last lyrics of the song and turned to look at his bandmates, they were all in awe. Louis was crying tears of mixed emotions. The song was about Louis and Harry's relationship.

Well Harry that was. Michael said looking for words to describe the magical moment that just happened. It was - beautiful. Louis said finishing Michael's sentence.

After two more hours of messing around with lyrics and playing instruments and recording a couple of songs the band went to head out for lunch somewhere that fans wouldn't mob them of corse.

At lunch:
So lads, Louis and I have some news to tell you. Harry said. I'm pregnant. Louis smiled finishing the sentence as Harry gave his hand a small squeeze. What, how. Zayn asked confused. Your messing with us. Liam stated. No it's true, I was born with a rare condition where I have a female reproductive system. Louis explained. Oh my god, I'm going to be an uncle. Niall squealed. Ok Nialler you might be the biggest Larry Stylinson shipper on the earth. Liam said but secretly adored the irish man's excitement. Oh Shut it Li. Niall sarcastically said.

You two should be together instead of fangirling over us. Louis said. Yeah right. Liam said as Niall blushed. Secretly Liam liked Niall and Niall  secretly liked Liam. So how far along are you. Niall asked breaking the long akawad  moment of silence. I'm two months pregnant. Louis replied feeling like his heart could explode, he had amazing fans, great mates and the most amazing boyfriend in the world and nothing in that moment could ruin his Happiness.

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