
Start from the beginning

May, 1904

Cher journal, I've landed myself in a situation. I don't know where I am in the world, the shadow took me here so fast. Surely this can't be anywhere in Europe? The trees are tall and the air is warm, water surrounds the land.

A boy with green eyes runs this place, his name is Peter Pan. I liked to think the story witch contains his name was only that, a story; it seems I was wrong. He has done things that show the presence of magic.

I could hear whispers around me, small chuckles from the group of boys a meter away from me, but I ignored their torment.

The boys here don't seem to like me, except the one I've met yesterday. He--

The paper was snatched out of my hand, and raised in the air, a tall blonde boy held it up to his eyes, one puffy with a long scar trailing the side of his face, "What do we have here? The little girl writing in her diary?"

"That's none of your business," I sighed in an annoyed manner, standing up as well to grab the paper from him, but he raised it above his head. The boy was a foot taller than me and to grab the paper from his hand, I would have to jump. My pride was stopping me from making a fool out of myself, knowing I couldn't reach.

"Jump for it, Coralie," The boy taunted, smirking at me and raising one eyebrow. I stared back at him with a glare.

Some of the boys started to notice the tense interaction between me and the boy, cheering him on and gathering around us, "Yeah, Felix! Jump for it girl!"

Anxiety slowly built up in my stomach and my hands shook slightly. I looked around briefly for Pan, hoping he could help me but the yells of the boys drowned out my thoughts until I couldn't take it anymore and I punched Felix in the stomach, making him double over, ripping the paper out of his hand.

All of the boys reacted like it was the worst and funniest thing in the world, "You just got beat up by a girl!"

Walking away from the crowd, I got about three steps before I was tackled from behind, not being able to brace myself before I hit the ground, air leaving my lungs. The same boy, Felix, flipped me over from beneath him, his hands quickly wrapping around my neck, squeezing enough to make me wheeze.

Some of the boys cheered while others stood uncertainty, not knowing what to do. I hoped that those boys wouldn't let me die.

Forgetting the paper, which was now coated in dirt and a little bit of mud, I weakly punched and scratched at Felix's face and chest, trying to get him off of me while also trying to get enough air in my lungs.

My arms were growing weaker and the corners of my vision were slowly going dark, I could tell my body was getting less aware of what was around me; the lost boys starting to understand that Felix wasn't trying to make this fun and games.

"That's enough!" Someone yelled, yanking the heavy blonde boy off of my chest. The face of Pan came into my view as air flooded into my chest, making me cough and choke on my own spit. His striking green eyes, dark and furious stared straight at Felix, "I thought I made it very clear that she is not to be touched!"

The blonde stared back at Pan with equal intensity, like he wasn't scared of him, "I don't have to play nice, she's leaving soon anyway, what's the difference?"

Stepping close to the boy, Pan got in his face, glancing him up and down with judgement, "Obviously you haven't learned any manners, did your mother never tell you not to hit a girl?"

That seemed to hit a nerve within the blonde boy because he didn't say anything for a second before backing down and taking a step back, Pan smirked at him darkly and turned to the rest of the group, "And that goes for everyone! No supper tonight!"

Two boys rushed over to me as everyone dispersed, both grabbing under an arm, lifting me from the ground and helped support my drained body while we walked to a tent, "We're friends with the boy who found you, Noah. Pan sent him out to pick berries."

The other boy gazed at me with curiosity, his eyes sparkling, "Is it true you can speak french?"

"Oui, c'est surtout ce que je parle," I smiled at both of the boys' amazement, happy that someone else is decent enough, "Thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome... Coralie," He tasted my name on his lips, smiling boyishly at me, "I'm Cayden and this is Owen."

"Nice to meet you both."


I decided that Coralie was going to wear a dress at the beginning of constructing this book, mostly for the reason that back in that time, you would never see a woman wear pants.

Most of the lost boys came to neverland and that time or before then and would have the mind frame of the short time they grew up, so it only seemed fitting. I know most fanfictions have the girl wear pants, but i wanted it to be authentic :)

I hope you all agree?

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