Chapter 1

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(A.N. I know the picture doesnt have to do with anything, its just hilarious.)

Narrator P.O.V.

"Liz! Patty! Over here!" ______ whisper-yelled, finding a small place to hide. The trio was currently on the run from the police.

But they werent just any police. These bastards were hired to capture meisters and weapons and hand them over to DWMA- the Death Weapon Meisters Academy.

The sisters saw her signal and hid just in time for the police force to run right by.

"Where did they go?!" One shouted

"How would I know?" Yelled the other. "Check all around this building!"


________ P.O.V.

"Damn it, we're trapped." I muttered, trying to figure a way out of this mess.

"Why cant we just attack?" Patty whined a little too loud. "I bet you we could beat themmm!"

"Shush Patty!" Scolded Liz. " Can't you tell there is way too many of them? We'll get captured for sure." Liz looked around. "Now _______, is there another way out of this vent we are hiding in?"

I nodded.

"Is the exit blocked?"

"I'm not sure, lemme check." I crawl through the vent to the exit on the other side. I put my ear to the vent lid and listened. There weren't any voices coming from here, I'm sure of it. "Guys I think it's clear," I whispered "but let me go out first." I step out slowly and look around. It seems quiet

Too quiet.

Liz and Patty are crawling to the end of the vent, and they immediately froze.

"_-____! Watch ou-!"

I heard Liz scream, and blacked out


What happened? Where am I?

I slowly open my eyes and look around.

Ok. So I am in a white room, with another bed to the side of me, and a medicine cabinet.

Hearing muffled voices outside, I sit up to try and hear what they are saying, but then my head starts pounding like crazy.

"Uhhhhgggg...." I groan, laying back down. The muffled voices outside abruptly stop, and two people come in.

"Ah, I see you are awake ______." One of the two says. He had stiffness ask over his clothes, and wore glasses. There was also a large screw lodged in his head.



"Where am I." I asked coldly, sitting up slow."

"Why, you are in DWMA's infirmary of course!" An oddly childish voice replies. I looked behind the screw head and that a shinigami? "I am Lord Death, and this is Professor Stein."

"Why am I here?" I crossed my arms and stared

"Because we caught you of course!"

And then I remembered.....
"______!! Watch ou-!"

My eyes widen and I clutch my head, but I soon calm myself down. "So why aren't I in jail or something? That is where criminals go right?" I sneer.

Dr. Stein sits down backwards on the rolling chair in here, and scoots over to me. "You're not in jail.....yet." He states as he cranks his screw. We are prepared to over you a deal: stay with us and enroll to become a student, or be executed for your crimes. What do you choose??"

"Ill enroll here."


Hey guys! It's Mama Hanji here. Do you like the chapter? Let's see how well I can do with 3 books out on wattpad!! Thanks for reading!
~ Hanji Frizzle

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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