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flora pov im up helia up kelsie still asleep in our bed ok kelsie time to get up and ready for shool

kelsie pov good morning flora helia i got out of the bed and in my room i changed my cloths and my underwear did my teeth and bag i out my shoes on im wearing my black school skirt with black knee high socks i am wearing my blue polo shirt i put my glasses on and done just got my hair left to do i walked downstairs morning guys

sky pov good morning kelsie she ate her breakfast

flora pov i did kelsie hair in pigtails and done ok lets get you to school

helia pov i come with you we walked out the door and to her ok bye kelsie see you later

kelsie pov bye flora bye helia i left and in the classroom

teacher pov ok class next week we are doing a play of alice wonder land kelsie your going to be alice leo your twidle de and chloe your tweidle dum abbey your the chesier cat james your the caterpiler louis your the mad hatter adom your the rabit and last but not lest olivia your the queen of hearts everyone else is the soldier cards we are going to practice on the stage in the hall all week you need to get your costumes to and i be doing the make up on the day

kelsie pov we are now in the hall im at the front of the stage im alice we practiced before break and after break and now its lunchtime i ate all my lunch no one bullied me today after lunch we practiced and its home time i am waiting

author pov back at home
helia pov im going to go and pick kelsie up i walked to her school hey kelsie

kelsie pov i run up to helia hey guess what

helsie pov what

kelsie pov we are doing a play of alice in wonder land next week and im alice

helia pov cool we will get the costume today we are home hey guys kelsie doing a play next week of alice in wonderland and she is alice

lucy pov you will make a bad alice in you play hahahaha your stupid

bloom pov lucy thats not nice why dont flora and helia take kelsie to town and get her costume

kelsie pov yay

flora pov ok see you guys in a bit i picked kelsie up and walked to the car me and helia in the front and kelsie in the back we are now in town we went to what's a party we walked to the costumes and see the alice in wonderland costume we got it kelsie tried it on and she looked beautiful we paid for the outfit in the bag and went back home we had food and now kelsie got changed on her normal cloths and went outside and now its dark she came in and wen to bed we all did to its the weekend now and on next friday is her play me and helia and facing each other in bed

helia pov i leaned in and kiss her on the lips i relised the kiss and huuggged her and we both fell asleep

author pov with kelsie

kelsie pov i need a drink i got out of bed and walked downstairs and in the kitchen had a drink

author pov with flora and helia

helia pov i heard a noise from downstairs i got out of bed and downstairs i see kelsie in the kitchen hey you ok

kelsie pov yeah im fine i put my cup in the sink

helia pov i picked her up and took her in her room upstairs goodnight kelsie i then went back to bed and the night was good tomorrow is the day where I ask flora to marry me now I went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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