Big, Big Day

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My back felt ice cold. And wet.

What the hell?

I groaned, opening my eyes to a white plaster wall. I glanced around myself as my eyes adjusted to the room. The lacy black curtain hung to my right and a collection of products sat on a shelf to my left. The water continued to run down my back and on top of my head.

I pulled myself up, feeling my head whirl. The water pounded on me too too cold for my liking. I blink and the water becomes red. My whole body stiffens at the sight until I blink again and it's gone.

I reached down and turned off the shower, stepping out and into a warm towel. My head continued to pound like the nonstopping bass of a drum. I licked my lips checking my appearance in the mirror. Sure as hell looked hungover, but I couldn't remember taking or drinking anything the night before. The last thing I did remember was passing out on my bed while doing a last-minute English assignment.

The familiar sound of an old Volkswagen beetle made me jump.

"Ava!" My sister Val yelled from downstairs. "Liv's here to pick you up! You've been in the shower forever! I'm sure you're clean by now!"

I held my head as I stumbled over to my closet. Liv surely wouldn't give me more than fifteen minutes to get myself together. I pulled on a pair of tights and a navy cotton dress and threw my hair into a bun before sliding my feet into my boots and grabbing my jacket and purse.

Liv honked again, this time laying long on the horn. I could only imagine the obscenities being yelled from the front lawns of my neighbors.

I barreled down the stairs receiving raised eyebrows from Val who waited at the bottom drinking her morning coffee.

"I won't be here when you get home, so don't forget your key!" she said after me as I made my way out the front door.

"Finally," Liv huffed as I threw my Louis Vuitton in the backseat. "Next time warn me before you wake up late so I can go to Starbucks or something. I feel like I've had a hangover for days."

That made two of us.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I grabbed a piece of the Danish she had sitting uneaten in her ash tray. "I guess I forgot to set my alarm," I lied. More like, I guess I somehow managed to fall asleep in the shower.

"You were out with Dozer again last night, weren't you?"

"Hey, his name's not Dozer," I told her. "It's Frankie. And he's a nice guy." The Danish was stale and cold like it had been in a box in the back of the refrigerator for months. Knowing Liv, I wouldn't be surprised if it had.

"Really? Because when I met him, all he wanted to do was get in girls' pants. If you ask me, he's not nice. He's just another horny teenage boy. Just like the rest of them. Girls like you and me, we need to keep our eye out for the mature ones. The men."

I rolled my eyes. Liv's opinions of the boys I went out with were always the same. She always had something bad about all of them, and a majority of the time she ended up right. But I could say the same about the guys she hooked up with. She always shrugged my comments off though, saying what she did wasn't the same. That it was more acceptable for her.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" she asked, momentarily taking her hands off the wheel to untangle her chain necklace from her black hair.

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