painful growth

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Grow up stop being childish
Stop being a cry baby over candies
Stop being selfish and grow up a bit
What? Grow up?
Do you know how hard it's
How painful grow up is
Do you know being strong is hard
While you're tested your weakness
Don't judge from your view
Why don't judge at all?
I'm tired and sick of it
All my morals telling me to grow up
All my cells wanting me to feed them different
Telling I need to provide to them
Why don't they grow up
Why don't they made me think
Why did you become their weakness
Why did you become candies
Why did you make them a cry baby
A child a fool a things
That can name for weakness
Why did you become food
That my body need daily basis
Why did you become sweet
And made me taste bitter and sour
There can be answers
For all these questions
Whatever it's I've grown up
Just a little in the bitter

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