"I really couldn't tell," she said, flicking her long blue hair behind her. "They wouldn't let me in the delivery room; but it sounded as though things aren't progressing as they should. The husband's been trying to contact you. That's why I came back."

"What on earth can I do?"

"He was talking so quickly I could barely understand him,. Something about dark things in the corners."

"Dark things? Did you see them?"

"I didn't have my glasses with me, but I suppose the corners did seem a little darker than usual now that I think about it."

"I'm going to contact him. Stay here and watch the Crossroads."

Belvedere put his hands on the orb of Earth, focusing intently at its surface. The blues and greens began to mix together, and soon he felt the familiar tugging sensation at the top of his head. Before he knew it, he shot up into the sky, leaping away from the Crossroads.


It wasn't long before Belvedere returned, collapsing into his chair. He was exhausted. Maybe he was wrong? He didn't need excitement in his life. He was too old to get tangled up in thrilling situations.

Marcus had been right. There was something there; and it tried to take the baby. What could it have been? Belvedere shuddered. Dark things.

He took a deep breath and then sat up in his chair, looking around his desk. Something was wrong. Something was missing. Tulia!

Belvedere stormed down the stairs from the perch where his desk sat, and looked around his cave. He knew Tulia was here because he could still smell her. He followed his nose into the Board Room.

Inside the hidden room, Tulia was bent over the large wooden table, staring into the crystal chandelier. Holograms of each Crystal of Life, hung above the table, illuminating the Board Room in a shade of every colour.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked.

Tulia jumped and turned towards him. "I thought I saw something come in."

"What? That's crazy."

"Maybe it was trying to get out and then I scared it back in?"

"There's nothing in here but us."

"Whatever it was, I think it's gone into the crystals," she said, stepping back from the chandelier.

"What on earth are you—" he started, but before he could end his sentence he saw a smudge inside the chandelier. He pushed Tulia out of the way and leaned over the table. There was something in the middle of the chandelier touching each crystal—a dark blemish— tar-like, and oozing.

He slowly turned toward Tulia, who was staring back at him, wide-eyed. "What have you done?" he asked.

"I did nothing," she said shaking her head, taking a step away from him.


Tulia jumped.

Belvedere had never let his feelings get the better of him before. It was liberating.

"Don't you yell at me." Tulia narrowed her eyes at her brother. "I didn't touch them. I would never do such a thing."

"Get out!" Belvedere yelled. "I know you've been lying to me and sneaking off to the other side of earth. I've let you get away with your sneaky behavior, but this has gone too far. Go to the Court; I will deal with you later."

Belvedere barely heard Tulia shuffle out of the Board Room, as he turned his attention back to the chandelier. Now he would need to visit each guardian to see if their crystals were truly affected.

Suddenly, the sound of the four orbs shifting positions came through the entrance of the Board Room. He ran back to the cave, only to see Tulia standing at his desk.

"I thought I told you to go to the Court?" he said.

"If I'm going to be blamed for something I didn't do then I'm going to go where I please," she said standing with her hands on her hips.

Earth popped up into view at his desk.

"If you return to Earth, I will never let you back in the Four Worlds again."

"Goodbye then," Tulia said, placing her hands on the orb. Belvedere couldn't believe his eyes, as he watched his sister shoot up into thin air, disappearing from the Crossroads.

***END OF PROLOGUE***************************************************************************

1. What do you think about Belvedere and Tulia's relationship?

2. Did you notice that this part of the story happened 12.5 years ago? What do you think will happen in the next Chapter? When will we get to see Belvedere again?

3. Will we ever see Tulia again?

4. What do you think is wrong with the crystals?


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