Chapter 11: Please Love Me

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*Meghan's P.O.V*

I can't believe Harry!! Why can't give me my space!? I hate it when boys are always in my face. The nerve he has to tell me I'm still grounded! He's not my daddy, he's my fiancee. I mean, I don't know if he is fiancee still, but he's not the boss of me! None of the boys are! Just cuz 'I'm the youngest' doesn't mean they can ground me. I can handle myself, thanks boys. But no thanks. I storm into the house and don't' stop or look when the boys ask me 'what's wrong?' Or 'Vas Happening?' Once I get into my room, I slam my door and lay on my bed,thinking. Should I marry Harry, Or not?

I've been in my room for like an hour, when I hear a knock on my door. "GO AWAY!!" I scream, with my face in my pillow. "Come On! It's Louis!!" I hear Louis shout. "Oh it's Louis, Well... GO AWAY!!" I scream. I hear my door open. Whoever is at the door better already know what their death wishes are. "Meghan..?" Louis. I wonder what his death wish is? "What do you want stripes?!" I shout. "Stripes..?" He way he said that almost made me laugh. Good thing my face in the pillow. "I wanted to know if you were okay? The boys were worried." He says. "Well I'm not okay. Bye." I say, my voice muffled. "What happened to your ring? Did you and Harry get in a fight?" He says. "Wha..? How did you know about that?" I say as I look at him. "We all knew from the beginning hun." He says. "When I see Niall.. I'm going to kill him." I said. "Niall didn't tell us!! We just knew. So what happened?" He says. "Well, I went to a hockey game, Harry got mad, I got mad, I give him the ring, and left." I said. "You WHHATT?!?!" Louis screeches. I cover my ears. I rub my eyes. Crap. I guess I cried a little cuz my face is wet. I wipe my face. "Well, are you still going to live with us?" He asks. "Well... I guess. But I don't have to talk to Harry right?" I ask. "No you don't have to. But you should soon." He says as he pulls me into a hug. "Hey, were stripe buddies!!" Louis says. "You bet!" I say, holding his hand. "Let's go downstairs and show the boys are coolness." Louis says, trying to make me feel better. "Okay!" I say. We walk downstairs, smiling. We sit on the couch, across from the boys. "Look! Me and Louis and twins!" I say. "I see." Niall says, taking a picture with his phone. "Posting this on twitter.." He says. "So Love, are you okay? What happened?" Liam asks. "Nothing. Just a um.. fight." I say. "She gave Harry back the ring." Louis says.



"BUT THEY WERE SO CUTE!!" They all shout. "STOP!!!!" I yell. The stop. "It's not forever! I'm thinking about what I want to do." I said. "We need to talk to Harry." They all say. "No you don't! Just leave mine and Harry business alone!" I shout as I run into the kitchen. "Meghan!" Louis says. "What Louis?" I snap. "Do you want to do something? Get out of this place?" He asks. "I would love to." I say. I holds my hand again as we walk outside. We walk down the street till we get to the park. I run to the swings. "Push me Louis!!" I beg him until he does. "WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" I say as he pushes me really high. After a while I get off he asks me for a push. "PUSH ME NOW MEGHAN!!" He says. "UGH!! FINE!" I say smiling. I push him high. "WHOOH!!" He screams. "HA!" I say as I flip the seat and make him fall. "SUCKA!" I say. "YOU BETTER RUN GIRL!" Louis screams. I run for the life the other direction. Once I have a big head start, I climb a tree. I see Louis coming. I climb faster, and higher. Finally he comes, and I'm at the top of the tree. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" I yell. He starts to climb the tree. Then he slips. I start laughing historically. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!!" He yelled as he climbs again. Now he makes it up to the second branch. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th.. Oh lord he's coming fast. I start climbing down but he touches me. "Your it!" He says. "Aw." I say. Then I fall. I fall and land on my ankle. "Owww!!!" I screech, holding my ankle. Louis jumps down. "Are you okay?" He asks nervously. "Yeah.. YOUR IT!" I say touching him. I jump up and run. HA. He fell for it. He looks at me shocked, then jumps up and follows me. I look back at him. "HA! YOUR NEVER CATCH M..AH!!!!!!!!" I say as I fall into mud. Deep mud too. Great. Louis stops in front of the mud. "HAHA! NOW WHO'S THE SUCKA!" He says as he reaches his hand down to help me up. I grab it, and pull him down with me. "AHH!" He says as I pull him down. "YOUR THE SUCKA!" I say, while laughing. Now were both covered head to toe in mud. We both climb out and walk in the direction of home. Once we get home, we get a lot of stares from the guys. And Harry. Great. Harry is here. "Whoa. What happened to you guys?" Niall asks. "Well.. we fell into mud." I say and we laugh. "You should clean yourselves up." Harry says. He is making me mad. "Whu don't you shut up? We were going to! What do you think, we would sit around muddy for the whole day?!" I shout. "You know what, why do you shut the..." He started before I slapped him. "Your such a idiot!" I yell before running upstairs, crying. I can't believe him! I run into my closet, locking the door behind me. I sit down, crying. The tears won't stop. Why does he hurt me? Is he trying to hurt me? I put my head into my knees. I hear a knock at the door. I ignore it. "Meghan you know I'm the master of picking locks." I hear Zayn say. He better not... I hear clicking and the door open. "Meghan. He didn't mean it.." Zayn says. "DIDN'T HE?! HE'S TRYING TO HURT ME!!!" I scream. "He's not trying to hurt you." "ARE YOU SUUREE?" I say before shaking and freaking out. He hugs me me, holding me. You know what? I feel no warmth in this hug. All I feel is cold. Harsh coldness. He let's go as I jump up and run to the bathroom. Great, my period. Bonus. I take out a pad from my secret hiding spot. Then I walk out. "You wanna go for a walk?" Zayn asks. "WHY WOULD I WANNA GO FOR A WALK WITH YOU? YOU STUPID KID!" I yell.


"What? NO."

"Are you sure?"

"No." I say as I cry into his shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay." He says trying to sooth me. "Let's get slushies." He says. OHH SHUSHIES. "Okay." I say as we walk downstairs.

*Louis P.O.V*

"What's wrong with her?" I ask as I see Meghan crying and getting mad at everyone. "Period." Zayn said. Oh. "THANKS FOR TELLING ZAYN!!!" Meghan yells, going upstairs. "Must be a bit of Harry too there." I say. This has got to stop. Her and Harry fighting. I walk over to Harry. "Can I talk to you for a minute Hazza?" I ask bitterly. "Sure Boobear." He says as we walk over to a quiet room. "You and Meghan fighting has got to stop." I said. "What? I didn't do anything!" He says. "Oh really? What happened to why don't you shut the..? I know what you were going to say next." I said, getting mad. "Look, I'm sorry. But why does she get to have moods and I can't?" He asks. "It's cuz your the guy and she's on her period!!!" I screech. "She... is? Oh." He says. "Well you should be nice to her even if she is on her period or not!!" I said. "Well.. I'm sorry. I'll apologize." Harry says. "Good." I say as I leave. That boy better make her better.

*Harry's P.O.V*

I walk up to Meghan's room and knock on the door. "COME IN." She says. I open the door. "Never mind I thought you were Louis. Go away." She says. "Meghan. I'm sorry. I really am. For everything. I should treat you like a friend, not like a daughter. And I'm sorry. I should give you more freedom. Forgive me please? Please Meghan?" I say. She thinks about this for a second. "Hmm Maybe. But you will have to prove yourself." She says. "I will!! I promise! You will love me again Meghan, you will." I say before kissing her on the cheek then walking out of the room. I will prove myself. Meghan, you will love me. Trust me, I am the king of flirting and girls. You will love me again.

What do you guys think? Should she say yes to Harry? Or no? Comment what you think.

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