Valentine's Day Quidditch

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Harry read the note that had been left on his bed (still trying to figure out how the hell a Slytherin had gotten into the Gryffindor rooms), put on his Quidditch uniform, and went outside to the Quidditch pitch.

"Malfoy?" he called.

"Hello, Potter," Draco said, stepping out of the shadows, his perfect face adorned with its usual smirk.

"Okay, why in Merlin's name did you ask me to meet you out here at 11:00pm in my Quidditch uniform?" Harry said, confusion swirling in his emerald eyes.

"Salazar, Potter, I thought it would be obvious. Because we are gonna have a little game of Quidditch," Draco said, throwing Harry a broom.

"But how, with only two people-" Harry started to say, still very confused.

"Merlin, Potter. We're going to see who can catch the Snitch first," Draco said.

"Oh. Okay," Harry said.

Draco let the Snitch out and the two boys mounted their brooms

"On your mark, get set, go!" Draco shouted, and the boys raced around the pitch after the little golden ball.

After about an hour, Draco's hand finally closed around the little golden Snitch. The two landed their brooms and caught their breaths. They then dismounted them.

"Ah, good game, Potter," Draco said.

"You're only saying that because you won. If you had lost, you'd be pouting," Harry said.

"I would not- well... yeah, you're probably right," Draco said, and they laughed.

Harry looked up at Draco and saw that his face wasn't decorated with a smirk, but it was a smile, a genuine smile, that lay on his enemy's lips. He then looked at Draco's eyes, which were not silver, like usual, but a light blue. Harry lost himself for a moment, but was then brought back to reality by his secret love's voice.

"Hey, Harry, can something?" Draco asked.

Harry's breath caught in his throat.

"Sure, Draco," he said.

"Anything?" Draco asked.

"Yea," Harry whispered.

"Good," Draco breathed. He then wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and kissed him. Harry made a breathy sound and snaked his arms around the Slytherin's neck and kissed back. After a while they had to pull away reluctantly.

"Okay, I know this sounds cheesy, but will you be my Valentine, Harry?" Draco asked, hope glistening in his blue eyes.

"Yes," Harry said, a smile stretched across his face.

"Good," Draco said, kissing Harry gently.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Harry," Draco said once he had pulled away.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Draco," Harry said.

They then walked back to the castle proudly, hand in hand, a goofy smile across each boy's face.

The End!

A/N: This one was set in "eighth year" as in, if they had come back to Hogwarts after the war. This was actually one of the first one-shots I ever wrote, so I hope you liked it! I love you all, my little unitatoes! *throws pink teddy bears into the crowd* ♥


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