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Let me introduce myself to those who do not know me. This applies to most of you humans. I am past the point of ever being called a human. I am a level 16 in the SCP foundation. Before you guys start raging saying this is false. Let me explain to you that we have been feeding little truth to the world. I alone bring in 6 SCP’s a week. My job Is [Redacted] but it is over O-5 Command. Sadly though I have many enemies because I am next in line for the highest position, the SCP Doctor. This is a group of 6 “People” that need to protect the world and the foundation.  Six is the magic number when we need leaders.

I have to make sure that these documents get out to the public in due time. For the SCP Doctors are afraid that a war is about to break out in which case only few will survive. It will be less of a war and more of a slaughter. The SCP’s are getting angry because of me.  They need me to talk to them, to help them but I refuse.

Oh I see I have forgotten to explain most of what I know to begin. A SCP is an abnormal item, thing, entity. But the foundation is actually The Secure Contain and Protect Foundation.  I was there when it was and actually before it was created.  The foundation is actually founded by a man named [Redacted] he was the first humanoid that came to this planet with a goal. His goal was to protect good and evil. Although he decided there would be degrees of evil.  The list is as follows:

Human class evil (this is normal burglars and drug dealers.)

“Creepypasta” class evil (These are those stories on the internet that includes us.)

Then you have SCP Class which is put in three classes its self. (These ones need to be stopped)




Now before I explain why he set this up this way I want to explain a statement from the first text written for the SCP foundation.

“Hello Soldier,

 This is your leader The Guardian/Guardian God I have assigned you to find and terminate what we shall call SCP-001 although it should be clear that we have found and destroyed over 800 of these things. This one shall be made of metal on the outside and organs on the inside. We have decided that this gun from or beginning shall not be found by the inferior humans.  Although If you SHOULD find it useful for humans later on to find then put it hidden with a way to find it.

Let the future show some humans if not all the way to our findings. As for our race shall be hidden and known as Guardians. I know we are immortal but I have found away to end that and kill us I will have one guardian live through this so that he may make sure the others die every 3 hundred years or in till corrupted.

~This is the last year for me and the first half of the crew

General/ Guardian [Redacted]”

Sadly this is all that was found form the building that I had to burn down when the foundation let the first human in. The Human was being stupid and entered the door that ONLY I can enter. Due to this all documents had to be cleared fast or burnt. I was not about to let it all be brunt so I rescued what I could before I set the fire. I’m lucky that I got what I did or else I wouldn’t even be considered to become a doctor.

Well I think this is all I needed to show you humans I know it’s random to you but every word is calculated and has a hidden message and meaning. But to keep you guys with a passion to learn here is a hint of what this one is telling you.

Blood makes a River that only A few Very bold and hEroic souls can stand. Horses and soldiErs Rise to help Enchanted Souls. Friends often die Upon Gory, Hectic, and deadly baTtlefields. While upon Its Tyrannical grip Help is not there. Myths proven to my friends Enchanted me. It’s deaths grip that you must escape or never face. True heroes Have found my true idEntity. By Athena and her True wisdom found on the fifTEenth mountain. To the last Olympian that fought me. Purity that ROams free, Truth Everlasting Chance Teaches you. True heroes Have found my true idEntity. Teach Real soldiers to Use my battle axE. Grace have yOu Destroyed my laSt home. I have DEstroyed Nonsense Through InTense truth for You.

Now find the two messages the guradian set for you.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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