Chapter 1.

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The sun rose upon the Titans Tower, as its rays seeped through Beastboys Blinds in his room. There beastboy lay, soon to be awoken from his slumber. His eyes opened as he let out a slight groan. He sat up, and waited a few minutes. He got up, and walked past his mirror. He looked at his toned muscular body, and all the scars that came with it. Knife wounds and gun wounds. Every body knew about his scars, but not how they appeared.

He put on a vest and black shorts. This was what he called gym wear, because he trained every morning after breakfast. He left his room and made his way to the bathroom. Just as he got to the hallway with the bathroom in it, he saw raven on the other end. She was wearing her silk robe. His eyes opened wide, as they both froze at the end of the hallway. This was a race... to the toilet, and beastboy had to get there first because raven would take ages in there. With lightning speed, beast boy ran towards the toilet, filling up with the thrill of time running out. Raven let out a small smile, as she teleported into the bathroom and shut the door.

Just as beastboy reached the door, raven giggled in excitement as she was close to losing the race. Beast boy banged the door.

"Raven, please! Let me go first, I'll only be a few minutes." Beastboy pleaded.

Raven contemplated on what he said, and she could never say no to him.

"Okay, but hurry." She said mercifully.

"Thanks. And good morning."

"Good morning."

Beastboy shood raven away, and entered the toilet. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, styled his hair, and just as promised, he took a few minutes. He left and looked down at raven, and yes, he was taller than her.

"See you at the Breakfeast table." Beastboy said.

"Yeah, you too."

20 minutes later, beastboy sat down with his tofu eggs made and on a plate. Just then raven entered in with her signature cloak on, and hood down. Ever since they defeated her father a year ago, raven learned to be like a normal girl, and express her feelings.

"Hey Rae." Beastboy greeted.

"Hi, B." She replied.

Over the year, beastboy and ravens relation ship got strong. She sat down opposite him, and started eating the pancakes he, Made for her.

"So then, any plans for today?" She asked

"Nope. Not really. Today's a chill day. Unless you wanna go somewhere." Beast suggested.

"Yeah, I wanted to go to the mall. I need something for robin's birthday."

"Oh Shit! I forgot. When is his birthday any ways?"

"Two days from now."

"Right. To the mall we go!" He said, as he picked raven up and rushed her to the garage. Raven was giggling as she her head bobbed up and down.

Eventually they got there. And they met cyborg.

"Hi Cy! Sup dude?"

"Nothin' much. Just fixing my baby." He said, gesturing to the t-car.

"Wow. Aren't you doing something new." Raven said sarcastically. Beast boy laughed at her joke.

"Ha ha. Where are you two love birds goin' anyway?"

"We are just friends. And we're going to the mall. To buy robin his birthday gift."

"Oh no. I forgot about that. Ah well, I'll make him something."

"Now that's trying something new!" Beastboy said.

BB and raven walked over to his car. His most loved Audi r8. 2019 plate. And it had Leather interior, with a fully functional Wayne Enterprise system. That's right, batman modified Beastboys vehicle.

"Why don't you paint it green?" Raven asked, and it wasn't the first.

"Because, it looks nice in blue. Green would make it ugly."

They drove off to the mall. They found a parking space close to the entrance. Of course, that was lucky, as it was a Saturday, the most packed day of the week.

"It was lucky of us to find that parking space." Beastboy said as they walked in.

"Yeah it was. Now let's see, what would robin like for his birthday..." Raven asked, as she thought of numerous things he would like.

"Hmmmm... I think he would like... weaponry!" Beastboy suggested. "Or even his own Batmobile. No, a Robinmobile!"

Raven laughed at the idea of robin having his own 'Robinmobile'. Especially what happened last time.

Flash back:

"Hey, Bruce... Do you have insurance for the batmobile? Heh heh..." Robin asked shyly on the phone to Batman. "No, its fine. The cars fine, its just a scratch..."

Behind Robin was the legendary batmobile, wedged into a lamppost, and up in Flames.

Ever since then, he had his driving privelages stripped away from him.

End of flash back.

"A RobinMobile is too far. You know what happened last time." She said to a realizing Beast boy. "Besideds, he wouldn't have been able to drive."

"Oh yeah... so weaponry it is!"

A few hours later, they gathered their presents and put them in the boot. Raven bought robin A clock, and beastboy bought him a Golden Staff, from a shady guy in the back of the mall. They both bought a cake with robin's face in it.

On the way home, the drive was quite. Raven fell asleep, as she was exhausted from hours of walking, as was beastboy. Soon it was silent, and they were nearly home. Beastboy scanned the road, and then he saw a demonic figure staring at him, from a distance. Red eyes, and cracked skin. It stared at him. It looked deep into him. Past his eyes, into his soul. Of course this startled beastboy, a creepy figure, and its feeling its presence inside of you. He let out short yell, and turned the wheel, and nearly lost control of the vehicle. Raven woke up instantly.

"What the hell! Gar, what's going on?" Raven panicked as beastboy was driving really fast. "Why are you going so fast?"

"I just want to get home quick. It's been a long day." He said with a fake smile. "Go back to sleep."

"Alright. We're nearly home. Slow down."

Raven was wide awake when beastboy parked at the garage. He looked at his watch and it read 6pm. The others may have been relaxing by now. As the pair entered the common room, the alarm went off. Robin looked up at the two.

"Ah, your just in time. It's Dr light. He appears to be... spray painting?" Robin exclaimed, a bit confused.

"We just got home." Raven complained.

"Well we are heroes. And its our responibility to- "

"Protect the city and its people, no matter the crime." Beast boy cut in. "You've said it a billion times."

"After, we can comeback home, and relax at home, and even have some fun." He said, ending his sentence with grinning at starfire. "TITANS GOOO!" He shouted.

"Aaah. Robin what the fuck!!! We right here, next to... in front of your Damn face! There is no need to shout!" Beastboy yelled.

"Sorry. I forgot we're indoors."

They all headed up to the roof to get in position. Starfire got ready to carry robin to the location, and cyborg had a jet pack. Raven was gonna fly and beastboy had wings that ejected out of his back. They were dark green, like his hair. And they were beautiful. It was then only thing he was proud of himself about.

End of chappity chippity chip chap chipper chapter.


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