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(Emi) oh wow! You actually clicked on my story! Thanks a ton!
(Jack) oh Emi, which style cravat do you think would make me look more like Levi? This one, or this one?
*holds up two styled cravats*
(Emi) ummm this one.
*points to one on the left*
(Jack) okay thanks.
(Emi) you're probably wondering what the deal is. Don't worry, I'll explain. Jack here is obsessed with Levi from "Attack On Titan" he even had the same haircut at one point.
(Jack) yadayadayada.
(Emi) so there are five boys. You've already met Jack. Oh Rayn is over there, you'll like him.
*runs over to a blonde boy with one blue eye and one yellow eye*
(Rayn) hi Emi what's up?
*smiles sweetly*
(Emi) nothing much, just introducing everyone.
*smiles back*
(Rayn) oh! I know where Steve is! Follow me!
*grabs Emi's hand and walks out of room*
(Rayn) here he is!
*points to a black haired boy in a corner with head phones on and eyes closed*
(Emi) this'll be fun.
*sneaks over to Steve and jumps on his lap and scares him*
(Steve) what the f**k!?
(Emi) language.
(Steve) get off.
*shoves Emi off him roughly*
(Emi) oof!
*Rayn runs over to Emi*
(Rayn) are you okay?
*helps Emi up*
(Emi) yes I'm fine thanks.
*sticks tounge out at Steve*
(Emi) meany.
(Steve) I'm not the meany, you're the one who scared me.
(Emi) sorry, I wasn't thinking.
*sadly walks away*
(Steve) *sigh* Emi... Come here.
*holds arms out for a hug*
*Emi runs into the hug, secretly smirking*
(Emi) I always knew you were a big softy. You look big and tough on the outside but on the inside it's completely different.
(Steve) whatever.
(Rayn) let's go find Chris, he's really.... ummm.... Interesting?
(Emi) sure!
*follows Rayn out of room and into another room with a bunch of computers*
(Chris) yes! I won!
*Chris stands up and does a little happy dance*
*sees Emi and Rayn standing in the doorway*
(Chris) oh, hey Emi. Rayn.
*walks over to Emi and slips his hands around her waist*
(Emi) what are you doing?
(Chris) give me a break, you're the only chick in this place.
(Emi) yeah, that's kinda the idea.
*whacks his hands off*
(Chris) ow. Oh come on. Please?
(Emi) only if you do something for me.
(Chris) what?
(Emi) pick up Rayn like a baby and smile at my phone while I take a picture.
(Rayn) no way!
(Emi) please?
*does sad puppy eyes*
(Rayn) ugh I don't like it when you do that! Fine I'll do it.
*Chris picks up small Rayn and smiles for Emi's picture*
(Emi) smile Rayn.
*does strained fake smile*
(Rayn) are you done yet?
(Emi) yup. You can put him down now Chris.
*puts Rayn down*
(Emi) thank you Rayn.
*kisses him on the cheek*
(Chris) do I get a kiss too? I did what you asked.
(Emi) sure but on the cheek.
*Emi aims for his cheek but Chris turns her head and they kiss on the lips*
*Emi pulls away quickly*
(Emi) Chris! What was that for? I said the cheek!
(Chris) again, you're the only girl here, my lips are sad.
(Emi) your lips are sad.
*shakes head*
(Rayn) that was gross. Let's go meet Lukie.
*pulls Emi into another room with lots of books*
(Rayn) there he is with his face in a book as usual.
(Lukie) this book has wolf pictures in it. Emi? You know you wanna see.
*Emi runs over to desk and snatches book from Lukie*
(Emi) ooooo! They're so majestic!
*Lukie leans back in his chair seemingly satisfied*
*Emi gives book back*
(Lukie) thanks.
(Emi) now that we've introduced everyone we can start the first real chapter! It will be out shortly hang in there!

Five Boys One GirlWhere stories live. Discover now