"B-But my sister! I need to get her. I-I can't sit here while-"

"She's in the other room sleeping now stay here. I can't risk you running into trouble again." He leaned in and kissed me sweetly before leaving. I stared at the door, not able to process the kiss he laid upon my lips. I then turned around and looked in the spare bedroom and sure enough Raven was there. I guess he was too heated about last night situation and forgot to mention her being here. I let out a breath and went to lay in bed next to her.


Michael was gone for hours. He didn't return until the sun went down. The longer he was away, the more I worried. I know I shouldn't have been worrying, seeing that he knew how to hold his own, but I couldn't help these feelings. Raven was her same ole happy self after she woke up this morning. I didn't see any harm was done to her which relieved me.

Michael told me about his plan to take down the Scorpions but before he could start the actual plan, he needed to gather some people to work on the other side for him. He told me this was risky and he didn't want to start a war between them until the right time. I could only nod as he explained things. I didn't want to involve myself with the plans so I only listened.

He then went on to talk about us. He said he wanted me by his side for the rest of his life. I was taken back by his words. We've known each other for about a month and to hear him say he wanted to settle down with me made my heart warm. I didn't want to fight these feelings I had for him any longer, especially after finding out about Denise.

Speaking of Denise, Michael told me she was in my apartment when he went there to grab some clothes for me. I had no clue as to why she was in my apartment but Michael said it was probably a second attempt to kidnap me. He told me I was on lockdown in his place until this stuff dies down. I wasn't happy about his decision at all but as long as my sister is safe then I'll do it.

"If you need anything, I have Winston here to help you if I'm not here to do it for you." Michael went on. Winston was like his partner and I remembered him at the club. He didn't speak much either.

"Well I do need something." I spoke.

"What is it my love?" He said and I gushed. He knows I like when he calls me his love. "It's just a few girly things. I'll need some tampons—"

"Yeah, Winston will get all that for you." He cringed.

"Why the face? It's just tampons. Oh, and please for the love of God bring home some more food that I could cook. You have frozen dinners here and I don't like them."

"Well it was always just me here and I didn't plan on staying long but when I met you..those plans changed." He said as he leaned over and kissed my lips then kissed me along my jaw.

"Whatever, did you get my hair stuff?" I asked and he nodded. "Good."

"Come mere." He said lowly and I scooter closer to him. He pulled my chin towards him with two fingers then landed a kiss on my lips. We kissed slowly and passionately and I could feel the temperature rising in the room. His hands rubbed up and down my back while I pulled him closer to me by the back of his neck. "Let's go somewhere else." He mumbled onto my lips. I nodded and he pulled away.

Michael led me up to his room and closed the door. I pushed him on the bed and he grabbed my arms to pull me on top of him, My legs spread on both sides of him. He pulled me into another steamy kiss while unhooking my bra. My hands trailed down to his pants and I began to take his belt off.

Before we could go any further, we heard Raven's cries from the other room. I quickly got up and slipped my bra off, since it was too much to hook it back on. Michael groaned and laid back on the bed. "I'll be back." I told him then dashed out of the room.


"He can't keep you in that house!" Simone said over the phone.

"It's only for my safety. I didn't like the idea either but I understand where he's coming from." I told her. It was another day and Michael was long gone. He told me not to wait up for him because he would be gone all day. I was a little sad by it but I let it go and called Simone for some company.

"You have a life outside of him Kirsten. You can't let some guy come in and control you." She said and I frowned. If I could understand Michael's reasoning, why couldn't she?

"It's not him being controlling, it's just him protecting me. I was almost kidnapped ." I said.

"Yeah, because of him. I don't really like him much anymore..I think you should pack up and find somewhere else to reside." She said. "This man has put your life in danger and I hate that I even considered you being with him."

"He's not that bad...it's jus—"

"Controlling, and most importantly dangerous." She went on, saying that most famous word about Michael. I sighed, knowing I can't justify Michael's lifestyle. I could speak on him wanting to protect me but I can't when it comes to his profession. A fucking drug lord, gang leader.

"You gotta leave Kirsten. I don't want you to end up hurt, or worse dead."

Diamondsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें