"I-I..Michael." I called his name.

"That's not my name tonight." He said, his voice getting deeper. My eyes widened at his response. "What's my name baby?"

"D-Daddy..I'm gonna cum..you're gonna make me cum." I said in a high pitched voice. I could feel it building up in the pit of my stomach. He looked up at me and bit his lip while rubbing a thumb over my pearl in a circular motion.

"Cum for me." He said. It's like his words had some sort of power over me because after he said that I came so hard. My chest heaved as I came down from my high. I was beyond horny now and I needed him more than anything at this moment.

"I need you Michael..please."


"You what?" Simone said in shock over the phone. "We had sex okay." I said, becoming embarrassed.

"How was it! How was it!" She asked repeatedly like a child.

"Honestly? It was amazing. God he was so good." I gushed and she screamed through the phone in excitement.

"The real question is how are you feeling after all this?" She asked.

"Sore..very sore. I didn't expect him to fuck me the way he did. My ass definitely has his hand print on it." I explained and the two of us giggled like school girls.

"I'd love to hear more of this but my lunch break is over, call you tonight bye!" She said and the two of us hung up. I heard a knock at the door just as I was getting into bed to rest. I groaned them got up and wobbled to the door.

"Denise?" I spoke as I opened the door and seem Denise standing there. I haven't seen her since the last time we talked to each other.

"I just came to get the rest of my things." She said as she walks inside my apartment. I closed the door and followed her into her old room.

"How are you?" I watched her walk into the closet and pull more clothes out and throw them on the bed. "I'm doing just fine." She says.

"We need to talk." I told her as I watch her move back forth. "I need answers."

"Talk? What is there to talk about besides getting a well deserved apology from you?" She said as she stopped her movements and placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't get rid of Michael as much as I wanted to." I started. "And don't turn this around on me. This is about you."

"I didn't do anything." She said.

"Not telling me that you're in a gang is nothing?" I said and her eyes widened at my response.

"Who the fuck told you that huh?" She said as she walked up me and slammed me against the wall.

"Is it true or not?" I yelled and she let me go.

"It's not true. You know I don't mess around with that shit." She said and as much as I wanted to believe her, her demeanor told me that she could be lying. "I'd rather keep my life."

"How do you know Michael then?"

"Everybody knows Michael! That nigga is feared by everyone in town!" She exclaims. "I'm through with this conversation. I don't like talking about him."

"Was there something between you two? Why do you hate him like he didn't something personal to you?" I asked.

"Because he did!" She yelled and the room fell silent. I didn't know what to say about that. She took a seat on the edge of the bed and hurried her face in her hands. "He fucked me over Kirsten. That's why I didn't want you to continue seeing him. He used me and I didn't want him to do the same to you."

I felt utterly bad for her after she explained things to me. Here I am having sex with this man when he had hurt my own best friend. I stared at her as she cried into her hands, not knowing how to comfort her.


I walked into the club and went straight to the bar like I always do. I asked James for a shot and he pulled out a shot glass and poured me one.

"When will you go back on stage? The fellas been asking for you almost every night." James said.

"I'll go up there tonight. Just to make a little extra cash." I winked then walked away after drinking my shot. The way Michael has been paying me, I didn't need money from the club anymore. He's been very generous with his money. I've even been looking for a new apartment after I met my monthly goal.

It didn't take long for me to change into a two piece and fix my hair. I had it wavy today, something that the men here seemed to love. I walked out of the dressing room and went on stage, doing all kinds of tricks on the pole. The men went crazy as they threw money on stage for me. After my set, I picked up the money and placed them in the waistband of my g-string.

"The fuck do you have on?" I heard a angry voice in my ear. I turned around and damn near jumped out my skin when I seen Michael. He looked so hot in his dark red suit. Oh God I didn't wanna think of him in that way, not after what Denise told me but I can't help it. He looks so good tonight.

He snatched me up and pulled me out of the club. "Michael! Come on can I at least put some clothes on?" I said.

"I have some clothes at my place. Let's go." He opened the car door and shoved me in. I pouted as he closed the door and walked around to the other side. He got in and drove off, heading to his place.

"Have you lost your mind? Wearing shit like that?" He asked.

"I am a stripper, of course I'll wear things like this." I rolled my eyes.

"Not anymore. I don't wanna see you in that club after tonight." He said. I could see his grip on the steering wheel tighten. He was angry.

"How else am I suppose to keep up with my bills? And you can't just stop me from going. Who do you think you are?" I said, becoming upset. Michael must have lost his mind if he thinks I'm gonna jump up and do whatever he says all the time. I have a life that I'd like to live without someone trying to tell me what to do.

"Watch me." Was all he said.

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