"Yeah. I say you demand answers from Michael. See if this has some truth behind it." She said all I could do was nod.

The two of us finished dinner and talked in the living room a little more before I needed to get Raven home. I bid a farewell then left, hurrying home.

"Hey Kirsten, you're home! You got this package." Denise said as I walked through the door. She handed me a small box that had my name and address on it, but it didn't say who it was from. I gave Denise a questioning look before handing Raven over to her and heading to the kitchen. I picked up a pair of kitchen scissors and cut the box open.

"What is it?" Denise asked behind me, bouncing Raven in her arms. I opened the box and gasped as I pulled out a very sexy bodysuit. A note was laid under and I quickly picked it up before Denise could see it. She snatched the bodysuit out of my hands and admired it.

I wanna see you in this tonight kitten.


My breath hitched as I held the the note tightly. Denise has already waltz out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with this note. I read it again then brought it back to my room. I checked the time and seen it was starting to get late. I took a quick shower and got dressed then started on my hair. Tonight, it was back in its curly state.

"Well, aren't you gonna tell me?" I heard behind me as I sat on my bed, putting on my heels. "Tell you what?" I asked.

"Who sent that? Was it a lover I don't know about?" She questions.

"Nobody." I blushed as I thought about Michael. "Nobody eh? We'll see." She snickers then leaves the room. I finished getting dressed and met Denise in the living room where the babysitter was.

"She been a little fussy lately but surely it isn't something you can't handle." I told the girl and she nods. Denise and I was finally on our way.

Denise and I went our separate ways as we entered the club. I was relieved with this since I seen Michael sitting at the bar, scanning the place. I was too scared to confront him so I decided to walk the other way. I didn't seem to get far once I felt a hand grab me. I looked up and seen a man in a suit. I gasped as he dragged me towards a back table. I then knew what this was about.

"Trying to run from me?" Michael jokes as the man sat me in a chair next to Michael.

"I-I can't be around you Michael." I stutter.

"This again?" He said. "I thought we was passed this."

"We were until I found out who you really were. I can't be seen with you." I told him and tried to stand up but the man beside me pulled me back down.

"Who I really am? Who am I then Kitten?" He said.

"How were you gonna hide being in the most feared gang from me?" I asked him and he laughed out loud. I frowned, seeing that he was taking me for a joke. "Let's go somewhere private." He said in my ear. I only nod, knowing I didn't have a choice. I led him to one of the back rooms once again and this time he was behind me. He shut the door but not instructing that his men guard the door.

"Who told you?" He asked.

"It wasn't hard for me to figure you out." I said as I crossed my arms. He walked closer to me and grabbed both my arms tightly. "Who told you?" He asks again. I wince as his grip on my arm was hurting the bruise that was there.

"I-I don't wanna cause trouble for them.." I stutter.

"You won't if you'd just tell me." He says.

"M-My best friend.." I trailed off. He let me go and turned away. "What's her name?"


"Denise? Why does that name sound familiar?" He questions as he turns back to me. "I know that name. I need to see her face. What does she look like?"

"You've seen her before." I said.

"The one who forced you to leave that one night? I barely saw her face. That's her?" He questions and I nod. "Well, what did she say about me?" He asks, becoming amused with the whole thing. "Besides me being in this gang."

"She just doesn't trust you and wants me to stay far away from you." I told him. "Far enough, but to her dismay you can't do that." He said.


"I told you that I'm very infatuated with you Kirsten. I can't just let you go that easily." He chuckles.

I couldn't lie and say I wasn't starting to feel the same. He's mysterious demeanor was frightening but it didn't stop my curious mind. I thought about him day in and day out, too much for my liking. As much as I find his mysterious ways interesting, I couldn't continue to see him. I know Denise means well by me so I'd have to respect that my listening to her.

"I can't see you anymore after tonight." I told him. He hummed then went over to the couch.

He motioned for me to come closer with his finger and I obligated. He pulled me onto his lap once again and this time I could feel the bulge in his pants. I gasped, mostly to myself, from the feeling on my womanhood. His hands resided on my thighs and I fidgeted in his touch.

"I don't know who this friend is but she's not gonna stop me from seeing you, you hear me?" He said. "You're mine now."

"You don't know me." I whispered.

"That's where you're wrong baby girl. I know enough about you." He chuckles while rubbing his thumb over my inner thigh. I jumped at his touch and he used his opposite hand to hold me still. "You're mine and only mine. Nobody else."

"I-I have to go. I can't stay here with you." I tried to get up but he had a firm grip around me. "Michael please." I whispered. The more he rubbed on me, the wetter I got and I didn't like the feeling. I didn't like the affect this man was having on me right now.

"Tell me you don't like this and I'll leave you alone." He said. "Look me in my eyes right now and tell me you don't want me." I was stuck. I did want him but I was scared of him more than ever. I shook my head and looked down at my hands. He lifted my chin so I could look at him.

"Tell me." He said. When I didn't respond, he had gotten all the answer he needed. "You're mine kitten and don't you ever forget it."

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