Chapter Two- recruitment

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A/N- I'll be changed the POVs. instead of saying 'I' I'll be using 'you', I've noticed its much easier for me to write the story and the characters thoughts but I'm too lazy to go to the previous chapter and change it. Also, I think I might start doing long chapters. this was almost 3 times as long as the previous one. I just wanna take this book seriously and update frequently with the best of my ability. so yeah. Enjoy!

You've been tagging the two boys for the past hour but they suddenly came to a halt in a gas station, you guess its to fill his tank. Looking at your gas meter, it seems you need to fill it up too. You came a minute later so it doesn't seem that you're following them, though you saw the distress on the blonde boys face, possibly worried that you'll identify them. A white van hauled up and stopped at the drive-through, one looking through the phone. The blonde boy immediately gets Kei to his bike and the drove off but followed by the white van. 'Shit, it looks like they might get caught'. You decide to tag along a mile behind the white van which lost the boys after while of car chasing.


"I think we've lost them" Kai's eyes still fixated on the road. "Listen, Kai...I know this is a bad time right now but..I need to pee"
He didn't respond
"Well, I guess I can't be helped" he pulled over and leaned on the bike waiting for Keis return. Kai couldn't help but be relieved, probably the most humane thing you could do. Even if he is an Ajin he's still a human is Kai's eyes. A mutation or immortality shouldn't change that, it's what humans have always wanted, cell repair and immortality. Just because a few people get that shouldn't mean they should be outcasted because of human jealousy. The whole thing was just petty and unnecessary in Kai's eyes.


The white van was looking for the boys, it's one long road, there're not many options on where to go you think to yourself. eventually, the persecutors find Kei taking a piss in a bush, whom they ambushed in surprise with a bat. you were still catching up with a mile or two behind. They struck Kei with a metal bat which caused him to fall down. They kicked his stomach and broke a few ribs.

"damn! were gonna be rich!" the one with the bat exclaimed, proceeding to kick Keis fragile body.

"Dangerous my ass! this was super easy"


"Man, Keis taking a while.." kai spoke to himself, still waiting and resting on his bike. "PLEASE STOP!" Kai heard Keis voice shouting to what seemed was begging for mercy. Kai ran as fast as he could to where he heard the scream and was shocked to see the scene in front of him. Anger overwhelmed him throughout his body. Kei may have abandoned him when they were younger but Kei was still is first and the only friend in his reality. To see Kei beaten like this...he had the intent to kill. Kai ran up to the one with the bat and grabbed his torso, dragging him away from Kei and kicked the other male backwards. Kei stood up taking the chance to help Kai fight back. Kai was punched in the stomach unexpectedly which knocked the air out of his lungs but quickly recovered and tripped the man to the concrete floor. Keis weakened body was pushed to the ground and the man climbed down on top of Kei. the stranger grabbed Keis throat and started choking him, not moving an inch or releasing pressure to give Kei the chance to breathe.

"GET OFF HIM!" Kai noticed Keis struggle and tried to rush over to him but was held back by the man he tripped. the man rammed Kai onto the railing of the road and grabbed a knife from his pocket. the man drew his arm back in a sturdy position and charged at Kai's stomach. The blonde boy blocked the attack with his two bare hands, but the attacker was still persistent for the shiny metal to penetrate the scared boy's pure skin.

After you finally caught up to the scene you noticed the danger of what was going on and if you didn't do something quick both of the boys would die, but most concerning the human boy, since he can't come back to life. your motorbike was still at a high speed and you didn't have the time to slow down. You jumped off the bike and rolled on the ground to cause less impact on your small figure. you ran up to the man who was trying to kill the blonde boy and kicked his head from behind with a high stretched leg. he stumbled over and charged at you without a pause for breath. you easily deflected the knife and grabbed his wrist to grab the knife in hand and slit his throat harshly. Blood splattered on your back helmet and the lifeless body dropped to the ground. The other man screamed him shock and sadness to his friend's death. still had his hands to the raven boys throat, whom you were assuming is now already dead, he ran up to you. His expression showed clear signs of fear, sadness and anger. it reminded you of that day... the day of seeing your father murdered right in front of your eyes at a young age of five, you wanted to kill the man so much you charged at him with no plan in mind. the memory froze your body and your stomach took the knife. the blonde boy screamed in worry not knowing how to address you

An ajin fanfic, Kaito x reader!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora