Valentine's Day

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He blinked a few times, the warm sunlight shining bright through the curtains woke him, its rays hitting his face, causing him to snuggle deeper into the safety of the blankets. The chilly air of this Thursday morning made him appreciate his favourite source of warmth more- you.

He flicked open his eyelids, a smile escaping as he just couldn't help but smile at the sight of you all curled up next to him. He didn't know how long he just laid there, watching you, wondering what he did to ever get so lucky, being able to be the one to love you.

His hand was intertwined with yours, a simple connection that spoke volumes, causing his heart to skip a beat just at the thought of it. His heart couldn't help but beat faster as this indescribable warmth spread through him with you all cosied up next to him, he wouldn't trade this moment for anything else.

He felt your little movements right before you opened those gorgeous eyes of yours, causing him to break into a huge smile as he mumbled a 'Mornin' babe'. His raspy morning voice did so much to you, those two simple words repeated over and over as it reverberated in your eardrums.

You yawned, his infectious smile making your butterflies go wild even after all this time. God, you were utterly in love with him. "Morning teddy," you closed your eyes, wrapping both your arms around his middle as you snuggled into his broad chest, his scent, that wonderful scent that was just his filling your nose as you relaxed against him.

It was these moments, these moments that the both of you treasured more than anything else, this pure love that you both had for each other. He ran his calloused fingers over your hair, occasionally leaning down to plant a few kisses on them, unable to resist that urge. "Happy Valentines day love," he mumbled gently, his beautiful blues meeting yours as you looked up, his ginger scruff and locks glowing against the morning sun. Your heart felt like it was gonna burst apart, going all fuzzy at the sight of this beautiful smiley boy.

"Happy Valentines day too babe," you removed your leg from the tangled mess it was in, causing him to whimper uncontrollably at the loss of contact, until you heaved yourself upwards so you were right in front of him, causing this magnetic attraction to occur as his forehead automatically leaned against yours, his gorgeous features dominating all you could see.

"I love you so much," you couldn't help but say, meaning every word of it. His smile grew, a soft laugh escaping from his lips, "I love you so so much more babe," you tilted your head back, about to argue until you felt his hand grab the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss as his lips melted into yours. The taste of his lips is something that you could never quite explain, they were so soft, gentle and god, you could never have enough of them.

The two of you eventually broke away, a pair of goofy smiles beaming. "Can we just stay like this forever?" you asked as he nuzzled into your neck, his fluffy ginger hair tickling you. You ruffled through their cloud-like softness, the trace of his shampoo scent escaping every now and then, the smell bringing comfort to your usually hectic brain.

"I wouldn't care if we weren't allowed to either, I know I'm not moving anywhere ever again," he laughed, enveloping your waist in his colourful arms as he attempted wrapping you around his entire self. This dork was all you needed for Valentine's day.

Author's note: just a short little one to start this off, feel free to leave your feedback! Would love to hear what you guys think

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