Part 15

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So here I am trapped on a boat with food and yume totally not awkward at all. She apparently agreed to get to know me but I guess she wants to back out.

"I met one of your friends yesterday" I tried to strike up a conversation she only looked up at me as if I was stupid.

"So,what? They're all stupid dumbies anyways," she only shrugged her shoulders and i smiled

"A young man named kae he seemed very interested in you,"I say I smirked when I noticed a pink hue on her cheeks then got pissed when I realized she likes a boy and she's only 5 seriously.

"What he do this time he's so arrogant?" I only laughed has she listened to herself

"Only yelled at me for hurting you pushed me down and sat on me." I say she looked at me up and down

"How weak are you? Your a grown man getting beat up by a five year old are you that stupid and weak that you can't even get a child off you." She says hestarically

"I asked him very politely and he got off for you information," I stuck out my tounge to make a point but again she looked at me stupidly again

"So what did he say?" She questioned

"He basically defended your honor. Hey then get dragged away by his mom who was saying I could punish him." I say I noticed how she only looked at me with wide eyes

"Did u punish him?!?" She stood up forgetting we were on a boat and tipped us over causing us both to go under water.

I push myself up taking a deep breath of water,and started to look for yume when I notice she wasn't up I dove back under water to look for her I notice a small figure and start swimming it back to shore. It was surely yume in passed out.

I guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter remember to like comment and subscribe

Jk maybe

why'd you leave me (zenyuki)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ