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{Nicole's POV}

Walking up the cement stairs of the police department, I quicken my pace up the large steps, eager to find out what my father had called me for. I dug my hands farther into my pockets when a strong cold breeze blew across my form. "Just a few more days and you'll be wishing it was this cold."

I turned around and saw my fathers' assistant's son, Mingyu. I laughed and walked up to him, "Shit, at this point I just wish I could control the weather. When it's hot, I want it to be cold. But when it's cold, I want it to be hot."

He scoffed and smiled, taking another puff of his cigarette. I stared at him for a few seconds before he caught on, handing me the cigarette. "Thank you", I smiled at him before inhaling it's substance. He nodded in response, looking off into the distance.

(dont get mad. i dont pursue destroying lungs with those sticks but it just go's with the character so everyone just calM-)

We stood there for about a minute and a half before he shifted his focus towards me. "Hey, when you go in drink some water or something. You're dad wants to talk to you about something and I don't want him smelling this shit in your mouth cuz I'll get my ass kicked."

I snickered and shook my head, handing back the cigarette that was almost ready to be put out. "We can't have that now can we?" Mingyu smiled at me and I returned the gesture, turning back to the doors to walk inside the facility.

It was warm, felt good to not feel as if you were turning into ice. I scanned the large room, trying to find a water dispenser or at least a vending machine. Once seeing a machine with a pink soda on it, I sighed and made my way through all of the people, getting to the drink holder.

The amount of change needed was just two quarters, and luckily I had three. I put in the two and pressed B4, getting a coke. Once it fell out of the compartment I grabbed it and began heading towards my father's office.

I stood in front of the white door with his last name imprinted into it. Being respectful of his privacy, I knocked twice waiting for him to give me a signal to come in. "Come in", I heard him say on the other side. I twisted the knob and walked in, shutting the door behind me. "Have a seat Nicole."

I sat down in the black chair, facing the bulletin board he stood at. I nodded my head telling him to go ahead and speak. "Alright, so. You see all twelve of these people, correct?" I nodded my head. "Well, they're all dead. Their bodies were found in alleyways with every accessory that looked to be useful torn from their corpses. They weren't found together, just all in alleyways. The strangest part is that each of them had a black dash on their wrists and they all took place around one in the morning. We think there might be a murderer on the loose, but we haven't told the town yet. We don't want to scare them."

I blankly stared at my father, all of the information slowly coming to my head. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, walking over to sit down in the chair behind his desk. "Listen sweetie, with all of that being said. I don't want you out anywhere after eleven pm. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head, understanding where he was coming from. Plus, I barely ever even stayed out that late. "Alright, good. You may leave now." I raised my eyebrow, a scoff coming from the back of my dry throat after I took a gulp of my drink. "Really? You're not even gonna ask how my day's been? If I've been feeling well?"

He sighed and smiled towards me, "I get off at 12 tonight and I'm off tomorrow. We can stay up all night and eat food and get fat while doing a movie marathon. You can pick the first movie. Does that sound good?"

"Sure", I responded, standing up to leave his office. I walked out and shoved through everyone else, pulling out my phone as I walked outside to call my friend Danielle. It was six pm, what else did I have to do?

"Hey! Dani, you wanna come shopping downtown with me? I'm bored and have nothing else to do."

Hearing a cheerful "Of course!" over the line brought a grin to my face. We agreed to meet at a coffee shop first. So with the cold breeze blowing on me, somehow finding it's way through my jacket, I made my way to the small shop.


"Surprising you got that deal. Usually everything's expensive as shit. But we got some good stuff!" I laughed, agreeing with Danielle as we walked out of the store, the black of the night pouring on to the sidewalk which made me wonder what time it was.

I pulled out my phone from my jeans pocket, only to see a black screen. "Shit. My phone's dead. What time is it?" Danielle pulled out her phone and showed me the screen. "One fifty nine?!? Oh my god- D I gotta get home."

Danielle craned her head to the side, looking confused. "Um, okay. I can call my mom and she can come pick us up. We can even get pizza on the way. And hey, maybe you can stay the night!"

I smiled at her and shook my head, "D I'd love to but I told my dad we could do a movie marathon night?" She nodded her head in understanding, giving me a hug. "Call me when you get home, or at least when your phone's charged."

"I will." We walked our separate ways, silence drowning out my mind as her footsteps weren't audible anymore. As I was walking, I stopped. A small, black kitten rubbed against a light pole, turning around to walk into an alleyway. Being curious, I followed it into the dark narrow space.

"Hey, tsk tsk tsk. Come here", I said, smiling in victory as the cat strided towards me, rubbing it's head on my hand. "Aren't you cute."

It stopped what it was doing and looked behind me, scurrying off into the darkness of the long alleyway afterwards. I stood up and sighed, "Poor thing must be hungry, it was so skinny.."

I stood back up, grabbing my bag and spinning around on my heel.

My jaw dropped along with the bag and my eyes widened. There was a man standing in front of me, huffing out breaths that you could eventually see in the air.

I tried to scream, but before I could, he ran up to me and wrapped an arm around my neck and tightly pressed a cloth against my mouth.

I struggled with my hands, violently pulling on his arm. I got weaker by each second, my hands soon drifting down to my sides and my body falling limp in the mans' arms.


I fluttered my eyes open only to slam them back shut tightly as a light was being shined directly on to my face. "I don't see any injuries. You took 'not a single scratch' a little too serious Kook."

Slowly, I opened my eyes, the light being flashed on to another man that stood about four feet away from me. "I didn't want my ass beat, but what'd I tell you. I told you I would get her here and I did Yoongi."

Being fully conscious now, I took in a sharp breath. I went to move my hands, only to realize they were tied behind the chairs wood, as so were my feet. I looked at both men and snarled, "Hey asshats! The fuck is this?!"

The two men turned their direction towards me. The first one was tall with a slim waist, his hair a brunette color while the style was an undercut. The other one was a bit shorter than the first guy, his hair a platinum blonde.

"I'm Yoongi, and this is Jungkook", the short one had said, pointing towards his friend. I pressed my tongue on the inside of my cheek, looking Yoongi right in his eyes. "Nicole", I sneered, looking away almost instantly.

"Good. Now, how about we take you upstairs and you can meet everyone. And we can tell you why you're here." I scoffed. How delusional were they? 'lets just kidnap this random girl and exchange our names while shes tied up and then we can let her meet everyone else and tell her why we have her!'
Yeah. Okay. Fucking idiots.

"But before we go," Yoongi started, walking towards me to cup my right cheek with his hand.

"Nicole, welcome to Bangtan."


Beast - Park JiminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora