•Seven Smiles•

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I take in a deep breath as I open the front door to the apartment. Luckily, all the boys were too into their game of beer pong to notice me walking across the room.

Just as I push the crooked door open, the smell of cigarettes engages my senses, making me want to light up this cigarette Ed just have me even though that wasn't my main purpose for coming out here. Harry is my main target and his dark curls are the first thing I see. His back is towards me as he gazes at the sun slowly disappearing behind the pointed mountain far form Ed's porch.

The door slams shut without my permission and both Harry and I jump, surprised. He turns around to see who has joined him outside and a frown appears on his face once he notices it's me. I think I see him roll his eyes before turning back to the yellow clouds in the sky.

I thought that maybe when I was out here, I would know how to approach him, but now that I'm in the situation, I'm at loss of words.

"Last time I checked, the term staying away meant, staying away. Not hanging around in the same damn house," Harry's voice is deep and angered. I watch his fingers find his mouth with the small killing device in his hand. White smoke covers a small patch of air in front of him.

"Last time I checked, I'm a free person and I can do what ever the hell I want," I rather spit. He glances over his shoulder at me only for a second before turning back straight.

"And for the record," I begin. "I didn't know Ed knew any of you."

"Sure." Harry exhales another puff of smoke.

"Hey." I grab onto his shoulder, making him spin around to face me. "What the hell did I ever do to you? Why do you not like me?" I huff - my blood starting to boil from his rude attitude.

"Like you? Is that what you want - for me to like you?" He laughs and takes one last suck, blowing it right in my face. "Good luck, babe. I don't like much people," He says emotionless before flicking his cigarette away from his fingers and onto the ground. He steps the life out of it and I stand watching him with a stubborn look on my face. I feel like an idiot for making him think that I want him to like me. That's not what I meant.

"That's not what I meant." I repeat my thoughts.


He begins to move to the front door, but I grab onto his arm, stopping him. A low groan sounds from his throat before facing me. His eyes find mine, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine. The green color shimmers from the sun's glow behind me and I can't help, but find them beautiful, unlike the man owning them.

"At least let me thank you?" I try. Maybe thanking him, will loosen his tight nerves and he'll tell me why he doesn't like me - I mean, why he is acting so strange around me.

"His eyebrows turn down, "Thank me for what?" 

"For saving me in the water." I remind him. His face relaxes from it's harsh state and he lets out a small breathe, hitting me in the face.

"Sure. Can I go inside now?" He rolls his eyes and I grow more irritated with every word he speaks. Why can't he say more than a small sentence to me.

"You're annoying," I fake a laugh to show my irritation.

"You and I both then," He says before looking down at my hand. His eyes stay glued there for a moment, but they finally raise back up to me.

"Smoking is really bad for you, you know? You really shouldn't do it," He states. Of course, I know. Why wouldn't I know? And how is he to tell me that I shouldn't smoke when I've seen him smoking more than enough times to know he is addicted like me.

"Oh, cause you don't smoke," I say with enough sarcasm.

"I didn't say that."

"Yeah, but you tell me I shouldn't smoke, yet you smoke," I huff. His face lights up with humor and for the first time I see a small smile cross his lips. He holds the creature back, only letting it show for a second.

"You get annoyed very easy, I see." He smirks. All his change in mood is giving me a headache.

"You're an annoying person." I roll my eyes before looking away from him and towards the street. The sky is growing darker and the wind is picking up, making it colder than it is. I cross my arms, trying to gain some heat, but it doesn't do much.

"Okay," Harry breaths.

I wait for him to finish a complete sentence, but only the sound of the wind occurs in my ears. My eyes meet his again, confusion lacing between them. He stands with raised eyebrows and his hands still, in his front pockets. 

"Okay what? You're accepting you're an annoying person?" I say with narrowed eyes.

"No, I'm saying - Okay, I'll be nicer to you," He says.

"I didn't ask you to be nicer to me," I state, remembering my main purpose for coming out here. I wanted to know why he is the way he is to me, not because I wanted him to like me.

"Well, if I was you, I'd take the offer." His hands fall down to his sides before turning towards the front door. I open my mouth, to stop him, but it swings open even before Harry touches it. I'm confused at first, but realize that Niall opened it once his familiar clothes and blonde hair comes to view.

"What are you guys' doing out here?" He asks us. I glance over to Harry, hoping he'll give an answer, but he only shrugs his shoulders. Both their eyes find mine and I feel like a spotlight as just been shined on me.

"I was just coming to get fresh air," I lie, even though Harry and I both know that's a lie."I don't know why Harry's out here." I'm an idot. Why did I say that? 

"Yeah, and a cigarette is a definitely some fresh air." Niall laughs while pointing down at my fingers holding the small object.

"Oh, right." I force a laugh. Harry holds back another smile before looking away from me and back to Niall.

"Well, come inside. We need more players." Niall gestures for us to come inside. I feel like Harry is going to dodge his offer, which will be good for me because I can just follow after his reject. I don't want to play any games with them. I just want to watch movies with Ed and stay away from Harry as much as possible.

"Alright" Harry surprises me by saying. He moves his body into the house and Niall reaches his hand out for me to come inside. I try to whip up something quick, but he grabs onto my arm before I could protest.

"Come on, we got Ed to play too." He smiles and I swallow nervously, knowing well that I'm in for a torturous night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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