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Adam woke up, acutely aware of the hard ground underneath his sleeping bag, and the soft breathing of his friend, Eric, on the other side of the tent.

What woke him up?

Listening, he heard a slight shuffling around the campfire. Thinking about bears and other wild animals, Adam quietly crawled over to Eric, and poked him awake.


Adam clamped a hand over Eric's mouth, causing his eyes to bulge in surprise. Once he was sure Eric would be quiet, he took his hand away. Dragging his bag near him, Eric produced a flashlight, a pen and a notebook. Flipping it open to a blank page and turning on the light, Eric wrote:

What's wrong?

Eric handed the notebook to Adam, and he wrote:

Something is around the campfire!

Peering out of the screen window, Eric was quiet for a few breathtaking moments. Then he said in a whisper, "It's only Cleo." He flopped back onto his bed, and was asleep in moments.

Puzzled, and more than a little embarassed, Adam looked out the screen. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw Eric was right. Cleo sat on the ground, a blanket around her, a small fire lighting up her silhouette.

Cautiously, as not to alarm her, he unzipped the tent and padded up behind her. When he accidently stepped on a twig, she suddenly whirled around, holding a lighted stick, flames flickering hungrily at the end.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, non to quietly.

"Be quiet!" she hissed, putting the branch back into the fire.

He sat down beside her, about 2 feet away.

"I'm sorry." Cleo murmured, "I wasn't going to hurt you. You just surprised me."

"You probably shouldn't be out here in the dark." he said kindly. "Too many things could be hiding in the shadows."

"I don't fear the forest." she stated, her soft voice firm above the sound of the crackling fire. "Neither should you."

"Well, I do." Taking up a stick, Adam poked at the fire. "Why are you out here anyway?"

She sighed. "I just wish..... never mind. I won't bother you with my rants."

"No. It's Okay. What were you going to say?"

"Well...." she signed again, putting her arm out behind her to support herself, looking into the fire. "It just seems like everything is falling apart. Winter is coming, school is gonna start soon, and I'm scared Maria might move."

Adam wasn't quite sure what to say. In the end, he hesitantly set his hand down on top of hers. She stiffened, and looked into his eyes, her gaze hard but puzzled.

"Everything will get better. You'll see. I'm going back to bed. You should too." he commented.

"Alright." she smiled, and it was like summer came back. He smiled back at her and took his hand away. Getting up, he was surprised to feel sprinkles.

"It's raining." he stated, surprised.

She snickered softly. "You didn't notice?"

"No." I was too caught up in the moment.

"Well, goodnight, I suppose." she said, gazing at him.

"Night." he padded back to his tent, silently, as not to wake Eric. Sliding into his sleeping bag, Adam heard the rain fall harder. Watching Cleo's shape through the screen, he felt slightly like a stalker, but still watched her. She got up, and suddenly dropped the blanket to the ground, revealing her ragged jeans shorts and paint-splattered T-shirt.

She threw her arms out, as if embracing the rain. Longing to see her face, he looked harder. As she turned her face into the downpour, he saw the worries fade away, replaced by a contented expression. She stood still, then gathered up the blanket and turned towards him. Laying down quickly, he pretended to be asleep.  He heard her stop at his tent.

"Thank you.' she whispered. "I don't know how I could do this without you."

An intense feeling blossomed in his chest, but before he could say a word, she left. Left him with a new crush.

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