Chapter 3

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Wow I'm deeply sorry for not updating like damn. But I'm back and here's another shitty chapter <3

Tw: mentions of abuse, and almost death.




And down he went, Richie would have tried to swim back to shore, but unlucky for him he sucked at swimming, meaning he went down.



And down, until he went unconscious, by this point richie thought he was about to die, what a good way to die though right? Wrong. Meanwhile..


"Cmon will we are going to be late! You know how my mom gets when I'm late!" A small boy with brown hair, freckles plastered all over his face and with a green mermaid tail yelled at his best friend Will Byers, which happen to be a small cute little fish.

The small fish gasped a bit as he kept swimming next to his best friend, trying to keep up with him as much as he could even though he was tired "Eddie I get how she gets but this is all on you! We shouldn't have explored the humans while the ceremony was just starting!" Will gasped out as he stopped for a bit, trying to relax his poor Self.

Eddie groaned as he rubbed his eyes "I get it, but I don't want her to hit me in the middle of the ceremony, it would be embarrassing and everyone will just laugh at me, besides what's the point in it? To marry another mermaid? Damn it mother I'm only 16!" Eddie said in a frustrated tone as he kept swimming, but more slower for the sake of his best friend. Just as soon as Will was about to tell him again, that it was his fault, they heard small fainted yell of someone very familiar.

The Queen Sonia Kaspbrak.

Will and Eddie slowly looked at each other, knowing that one of them were screwed as fuck.

You see, it would have been king and queen of the sea, but along time ago when baby Eddie was just born, The king, Frank Kaspbrak was taken away by the so what called human beings, making Sonia horribly sad, and depressed, which lead to her abusing and isolating her son, Eddie Kaspbrak prince of the sea.

Eddie loved what humans did, he's seen some very far away but was never brave enough to talk to one, he loved exploring and do things that Sonia FORBID Eddie to do, but we all always have that one kid in the family who doesn't listen, and that person was Eddie Kaspbrak, or should I say merman.

Eddie groaned again as he swam to the palace, leaving a poor Will in the middle of the ocean, tired of swimming so much.

When Eddie spotted his mother, he couldn't even call her name since he was already being dragged harshly by his mother, she took him into her room and slammed the door shut "where have you been?! Everyone has been asking for you!!" Sonia cried which made Eddie cross his arms in annoyance "Ive been-" "you've been exploring again have you?" "Maybe-" "unbelievable! The one day I needed you to be present you weren't!"

"Well did it look like I cared enough to join this ceremony? It's just a stupid random ceremony for me to marry another mermaid, I want to be  able to marry someone I love-"

Eddie couldn't even finish his sentence as he was slapped across the face.

He winced as he grabbed his cheek, seeing his blood blending with the water, he frowned as he looked at Sonia, which in return got a grin on her face "you know how I hate hurting you baby, but never talk like that to your mommy, I know what's best for you, meaning you'll marry a woman from another kingdom wether you like it or not!" She screamed while she sobbed, which didn't even seem she was since her tears were just blending with the sea once again.

Eddie had enough though, he swam away from his mother, hearing her yells in the background, telling him to come back or she would call the guards, he ignored it though as he kept swimming.

And swimming.

And swimming until he was far away from the palace, he rubbed his eyes as he sat on a rock "why do you always have to ruin my life mom?" He whispered softly to himself as he held himself, he bit his lip as he kept thinking and thinking of what will happen if he ever came back to his mother, but before he could think any more, he heard a small splash be heard above him, he looked up to see an actual human.


A/N: WOAH HI IM DEEPLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I suck at it so😳sorry for this short chapter, but to make it clear, this story will be deeply inspired by the little mermaid, soOoo yAh-I hope you people enjoy this crap, I'll update soon, or at least try, sorry for any errors <3


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