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Beware of King Landon, that's what Sage and her older brother Coal were always told. Sage was aware who King Landon was, after all he was coronated King at the age six. She never remembered the coronation because at the time she was only four. But Sage had always thought that it was strange that the people of Coroidia feared this man so much, after all he was  just a ruler of their very large neighboring country Phosphoran. Sure, King Landon probably has his side of the story, but it was none of Sages business.

"Dreamy, ain't he?" Kira asked, looking at King Landon's painting in the hall of allies. He was a auburn haired man with freckles scattered across his skin. His eyes seemed to glow a cold green, which Sage thought was strange. He was quite young looking in the painting but then again he was thirteen when the picture was painted, yet she wondered how a kid that young could be so cold.

"Uh sure." Sage said as her head snapped to look a Kira. Kira let out a sigh as she pushed herself off the wall.

"To bad he's insane," She said "but is it really that big of a surprise? We all know who his father is." 

Sage knew there was a story but she never heard it, she always figured gossip never lead to anything good.

"We better get back to work." Sage said interrupting the rambling blonde. Sage picked up the bucket and mop. Kira let out a sigh.

"You never been good at boy talk, have you?" Kira asked. Sage didn't answer, she knew where this was going. "It's to bad your brother is hot."

Sage rolled her eyes. "All you gotta to do is tell him, Kira."

"I want to but he jus-"

"Tell who what?" A familiar voice asked with a sing song tone.

"No one!?" Kira yelled face turning a nice shade of pink, drawing everyone's attention to them. Which made the girl's focus directed towards the ground. Her hair hiding away her face.

"Aright if you say so, Kira." Sage knew her brother was taunting Kira. So she jabbed her elbow in to his side poking at his venerable ribs. Which made him jump away from her.


"Quit it, Coal." Sage said sending a glare in Coal's direction. Which told him that she was serious. This only seemed to amuse him and he smirked.

"Alright, alright, I came to talk to you." Coal glanced at Kira. "Alone if you wouldn't mind Kira." Kira snapped back to earth and grabbed the bucket and mop from Sage's hands.

"N-no problem." She stumbled off. After she left Coals warm, kind face turned cold. Which reminded Sage of a parent that was warning there child. He stepped closer to her and matched her height, which was never a good sign when it came to Coal.

"Sage, something is going to go down to night, and I want you to flee in to the wooded area behind the castle." Coal said in a whisper. His eye constantly looking for someone who could overhear.

"What is happening?" Sage asked not sure she understood why he was asking her to do that.

"After all these years, I am going to get revenge for Rosie."

Sage shook her head side to side in disagreement.

"Coal, Rosie died 12 years ago," Sage set her hand on her brothers firm shoulder "And besides what are planning on doing?"

"I can't tell you, but I will not leave you to suffer the consequences." Coal looked down and avoided Sages confused stare. She knew Coal was going to do something he'd regret.

"Rosie died from the cruel and disturbing crimes of King Venn." Sage stated, "What could you possibly do to exact revenge on a dead man?"

"Nothing, just meet me in the forest tonight ok." Coal said.

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