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After Daniel ensures the LongBow is proceeding to shore from a safe distance, he lifts a lever to eject a brightly coloured yellow, oval-shaped, shriveled piece of material out onto the surf. Once hitting the water, it began to automatically inflate, horrifying Jaako into believing it being a monstrous snake having swallowed its tail and hissing as it attempted to breathe. Raising his ax to slay the growing beast, Daniel screams and grabs his arm, swinging wildly as if hanging onto monkey bars at a playground.

"Don't DO THAAATT!!" scorns Daniel.

"Thy will save you from horrid beast before it grows large enough to swallow the world!" valiantly swears Jaakko. 

"It's an emergency dinghy, for God's sake, Jaaaacckkk!! It is to carry us to shore safely!" Daniel explains indignantly.  "It fills with air and then it will float atop the water. See the small rudder in the back? Now don't slit a hole into it, or the air will leak out and we will have to swim to shore," Daniel further explains. 

Daniel stuffs the bottles of wine contained in a woven sheath along with a backpack and other materials into a weatherproof nylon bag. Before jumping from the dive platform onto the dingy, he instructs Jaakko to follow suit. Afraid at first, but seeing that the dinghy would not attack as formerly thought, he jumped and rolled into the bottom. The portable trolling motor made a light expedition to the shore. The radiant sun warmed the skin exposed to intermittent refreshing coastal breeze and salt water spray. Jack rode at the bow, holding onto the seat and using his weight to ride the crest, while Daniel operated the motor in the back.

As both the LongBow crew and the dingy closer approach the shore, more villagers gather including figures more easily identified with wealth and prestige. Jack disembarked first, and drug the boat further onshore. When completely out of the breakwater and evening tidal area, Daniel drove the plow anchor into the dry ground. 

While slowly reaching into his raft for his bag, Daniel inquires under his breath, "Is that King Gudrod in standing in the background on the bank?"

"Yes, and gives fair rule of law. Thoust should approach him before any fellow raiders shant have similar ideas," counsels Jaakko. 

"Our dutiful King, we have avenged the rampage of our neighbors to the south, brought back slaves and much bountiful reward. If not for this man whom thy found adrift on our way to the place of the haughty priests, thoust would have lost countless lives on return. He had fought valiantly against Jörmungandr, and plans to fight it again! Please accept this man, Danyeel in your midst. The stranger brings gifts to offer respect to our King," announces Jaakko before being interrupted. 

"This man is ERGI!!!! Do not believe anything he says or doest! He wields treachery and magic!" accuses Iohann while spitting in Daniel's direction. 

"Danyeel treated our injured and sick after our raid, and then saved thee from a tempest tossed up by the tail of Jörmungandr. He owns magical devices that respond only to him and used for good. Just because he is a man and may possess the magic of Seior and Volga does not mean he is Ergi. And because ye have attempted to humiliate him with your accusations since we first came across his ship, he has the right to ask for thy death, Iohann!" assails Jaakko. 

"A man speaks for himself. What say ye, Danyeel?" King Gudrod curiously prods Daniel. 

"He is a good man, this Jaakko. He only wishes to protect me and I am fond of him as well. Please accept this wine from my world as a token of my respect for you and your dominion. It is made of fruit which you have not tasted. Also please accept this elixir which you have never seen. Boiling water is poured over it to extract the brown liquid. You may add cow's milk and honey to sweeten. It provides an alertness when first awakening in the mornings. Now as for who I am and from where I call home, may we sit together and talk somewhere?" Daniel entreaties. 

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