Chap. 1

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*Charlotte's outfit on the side or above. Amber Heard portrays Bella."
Charlotte's POV
I'm finally leaving. I'm leaving this hell hole once and for all.

I got into my dream college. I start classes at Juliard in just a few weeks.

I have always loved to dance. It was my escape and I can't believe Juiliard accepted me.

My father hated the news. He beat me and yelled at me but that's all over now. I get to leave him.

I turn and take one last look at the house I've lived in for 18 years. I see him looking through the window, staring at me. Sadness and anger laced in his eyes.

I lift my chin and get in the cab I called. I live in Los Angeles and I'm going to New York City. I soon as I settle into the cab, the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter.

How can I leave behind everything I've ever known? It's hard but it must be done. I might die if I stay here any longer, literally.

I tell the cab driver to take me to the airport. Once at the airport, I wait for them to call my flight. "Flight 563 to New York now departing," the speaker says.

That's me. I stand up and walk towards the terminal. I hand the lady my ticket and board the plane. I settle into the chair knowing it will be a long flight.

I scan the plane when I see a young women, in her early twenties, with a child who looks to be about four and a baby coming down the aisle. She takes a seat next to me and places the baby on her lap.

The child sits across the aisle from us. She turns to look at me. She smiles, her teeth perfectly white.

"I'm Bella," she introduces herself, "that's Ryan," she says pointing at the boy, "and this is Maryse." She smiles proudly as she looks at the baby.

"I'm Charlotte." I introduce myself to her. We shake hands. "Are they yours?" I ask. "Yes, Ryan is four nearly five and Maryse will be six months in two weeks."

She smiles again, just like a proud mother.

It pains me to see her so happy with her children when I never had a mother like this.

"Why are you going to NYC?" I question. "I'm going to college there," She says gently, "I waited to apply since Ryan was just born around graduation."

She looks over at her son, no sign of sadness or disappointment in her eyes.

"I'm going to Juiliard." I look at her, happily. "Me too." I giggle slightly. "Well then, let's get settled in, it's going to be a long flight." She laughs.

I can't help notice the boy's look of confusion as if he's never seen his mother smile before.

Alone *Harry Styles AU*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora