Chapter IV: The enemy of my enemy

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( I may not know much about them but I don't think till matter to much, if I need to do more backstory on the character's then I will look if not then I hope it works anyway)


Its been what seems like a few hours since Victor's brake out, to say that things seemed uneasy is a large mistake after all, how would you feel after getting into a fight with someone who has an uncontrollable demon in them.

Slenda and those who were unharmed by the young man helped move those who had been involved to what would be the infirmary, after that Slenda and a reluctant Viktor walks to her office with the small hope that something good can come out from this or at the very least something of a less volatile as the previous encounters have been met with mixed results.

As they enter the room the air seemed a little more then tense with good reason.

"well, you said you would show me why your being hunted buy her, what is it I'm meant to see exactly?" Viktor asks while sill on guard.

" indeed I did say that and I will in but a moment but for now would you like to take a seat"

Victor is apprehensive over it due to the past nine hours hes had since his escape but he seems to "feel" at ease around Slenda, despite that he stays standing as he is unsure if she is really not on her side. 

"I would rather stand if its all the same"

she nods and begins to explain.

About herself.

About the others.

About them and Zalgia.

though out all of it, Victor stands and listens, making sure not to miss a single detail but one thing remains.

"well telling me this is all well and good, I understand that you say you and her are not on the same side but just words don't mean anything, after all I spent quite a long time with her so you will have to understand that I'm not so trusting."

" I understand, I did hope I may convince you but you are correct, if you are willing to wait until tomorrow then perhaps I may find a way to show you that I am not on her side, we may kill but we have no reason to do what she did to you even if we are what we are."

After a few minuets victor agrees that he will wait however if there is no proof that they are on her side, well lets hope he has the strength to run.

once the meeting is over Slenda shows him to an un-used room so that he may rest, she then leaves saying that she will send someone to come get him when dinner is ready so he may get to know the others.

He agreed so that he may get to know them, at the very least learn about them to see if they are with Zalgia or not.

Now he is on his own, he looks around the room and then sits on the floor, leaning against the bed looking at the mirror, seeing his reflection after all this time, he was confused as to who this was till he started to wonder how long he truly was there.

" you know it's strange to be bonded to a host instead of possessing them, the lack of control is.....odd to say in the very least"

" and yet here you are "helping" me instead of taking me over like she wanted you to"

"Yes it is strange and yet it has happened, you may not like it but you and I are stuck together, she wanted you to bend to her and yet you didn't, after so long you held on, I'm curious as to how long it will last and how things will turn out"

" you act like your not apart of it, yet you know as well as i do that she will be coming after both of us since we are what she wanted, who knows what she will do to take us back"

"......your not wrong....... and since that's the case we both are at risk then what should we do?"

Victor looks at the window watching the snow fall.

" we don't exactly have many options"

"then why don't we stay here?"

Victor turns to look at his reflection with a look that says 'are you stupid'.

" now hear me out before you start to yell, we have no where to stay, no food, water, our only outfit is what we have on our backs and you still have yet to fully unlock what powers you have gained through our bond, I'm not saying we trust them but at the very least we should consider that if they are not on her side, they could help us."

" And if they turn out to be on her side?"

The reflection looks at Victor with a sinister smile to reveal his true nature.

"it's simple................WE KILL THEM ALL"

Victor nods to show his agreement then starts to feel tired.

"get some sleep vic, ill keep watch"

Victor nods then closes his eyes and falls asleep, while he sleeps the reflection stays awake and keeps watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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