1. Mr. Asshole

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"That's the best you'll get," I stated coldly at the man who sat with head hung in shame.

I got him!

A smirk formed and my ego was immediately boosted when the man silently grabbed the pen and signed those damn papers.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Hoping to never see you again." Tucking my suit jacket I stood up before striding out of the conference room.

Damn, that was easy.

"Hayden." Vance, my client called me.

I turned around to find him walking towards me with a huge grin. Of course, I closed his case without any glitches. What can I say, I'm the best goddamn closer in this city.

"Yes, Vance?"

"Thank you. I'm glad to be represented by you." He said, gratefully while extending his hand for a shake. I accepted while grinning ear to ear.

Strutting my way back to my office, I found my assistant waiting near the doorframe with my coffee. She's a life savior!

"Dani, what's my schedule for today?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee and immediately spitting it back.

"What the fuck is this?" I frowned.

"Well, you have a lunch meeting at one with Gerald Ford. Then, you got to visit Ash Feinstein at around 4 pm. Oh, and that was your coffee."

"No, it's shit. That's not my drink." I countered back, throwing the cup away while completely ignoring her former statements.

"That's because the guy who usually makes your coffee is on emergency leave which is why I had to make it for you."

"Dani, do me a favor. Never make coffee for me." She rolled her eye as I began to leave.

"And where are you going? Liam is looking for you. Meet him before you head out."

"Tell him to wait. I need my latte before I deal with anyone." With that, I stormed out.

* * * * * * * * * *

"One cinnamon vanilla latte, please."

"That will be $4.15, thank you." The skinny brunette whose nametag read Marianne said, purely out of boredom.

I was looking around for an empty booth when my eyes landed on a young girl at the far end of the cafe. Half of her face was hidden behind the laptop screen. Her brown hair was tied in a messy bun, her eyes trained on the screen.

I didn't know for how long I was staring at her like a creep, but when she looked up straight at me as if she sensed my gaze on her, I froze. From where I stood, it was nearly impossible to make out the color of her eyes, but I know for sure she owns a pair of beautiful hazel orbs.

After blinking a couple of times, she raised a single eyebrow. Quickly turning around, I found Marianne looking at me with an amused expression plastered on her face. I grabbed my drink and dashed out of the cafe.

Fuck! She caught me staring.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"-and the best part? Oh man, the best part was he couldn't say anything in his defense. I shut him up." Marcus aka Mark, my associate and unfortunately one of my closest friends boasted.

It was nice to see him make quick progress, especially for someone who became a part of the company just 8 months ago.

"You're giving me a headache, Marcus." I groaned.

"You're just jealous of my success." He huffed like a teen.

"Sure thing." Rolling my eyes at him, I focused on the work before me.

"What do you want, Mark?" I asked, my eyes still glued to the screen.

"Well, since you asked nicely can I leave early? I am taking Rose out for a date." I am positive that he is pulling up a puppy eyes on me right now.

I finally looked up at him and as I predicted he was looking at him with high hopes. I grinned ear to ear at him, making him smile before I uttered a firm 'No'

His smile faltered. "You're an asshole." I heard him mutter before he left my office.

That I am.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Honey, I'm home," I yelled, once I locked my front door. Throwing my jacket on the couch, I loosened my tie

I saw Luna run up to me, her cute little eyes lighting up after seeing me. I wasted no time and took her up in my arms.

"How was your day, honey?" She barked in return while she nuzzled in my arms.

Luna is my pomeranian dog. I brought her home when she was just 3 months old, now she's 5 years old. She was cute as a button with honey-colored fur. I didn't plan on getting a pet but during a case, I visited a shelter where I saw her. She sat at the far end of her cage. I approached her quietly, not wanting to interrupt her paw licking session. She must have sensed me because she bounced in her place while barking softly. I knew I had to get her. So I did.

Smiling at the memory, I put her down on my lap as I switched the TV on to waste my time. I reached out to grab my phone and ordered myself a pizza. I was in no mood to cook anything for myself.

An hour later, Luna and I were still slouched on the sofa with a pizza box and wine bottle lying on the floor. Quickly discarding the trash, I picked Luna and placed her in her tiny bed next to mine. I had no idea how tired I was until my head hit the bed.


So, that's the first chapter of this book. I know I still have to finish my first look, His Only Drug. But I had this story in my head for quite a while now and I wanted to put it up.

I hope you like it. Let me know in the comment box. And don't forget to vote and broadcast the story!

Till then, gracias.

Suits And SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora