Chapter 1 - The Bad News

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        Tamaki's P.O.V.

        Tamaki was having a bad day, worse than usual. He sighed as he looked out the window in his classroom.

        It wasn't like his father was particularly abusive last night, though it has happened before. He shivered as he remembered the frequent bruises and belt lashes that he had to constantly cover up. Nor was it that he was missing his mother, though it ached in the back of his mind, like an annoying little depressed fly buzzing through his brain. It was something much more... nerve-wracking. He was waiting for a call from-

"Tamaki you idiot, did you even hear the bell ring?" Kyoya said with a smirk, forcing Tamaki from his brooding. 

"Wha- I umm... No?" Tamaki stuttered. Kyoya shook his head, smirking as he flicked Tamaki's head.

"Get your head out of the clouds and lets go." Instantly Tamkai sprang up, putting on an act of princly nature (which wasn't hard). Honestly right now he needed the distraction, and he was excited to see his friends at the Club. 

"Oh Mommy dear I am so excited for this cosplay! It's almost like that one show... Uh.. what was it again? Black Opair? Black Maid? I don't know, something with servents and the word Black. Anyway, do you think the girls would like it?" He enthused. They had decided to cosplay as if they were in the 1800's, and it looked very promising. But that phone - call was still nagging in the back of his mind, and it was driving him insane.

"You mean Black Butler idiot. Where in the world did you get 'Black Opair'?" Kyoya corrected before opening the door to Music Room #3. 

Tamaki simply laughed and strolled into the room. They were early, as usual, so no one was there yet. He set his bag down before running off to get changed into his costume. He was going to be a rich arristocrat, so no overdramatic acting there.

When he got out he saw that Honey was there, setting down Usa-chan before running to the changing room for his 1800's sailor outfit, with his tanish brown hair whipping around him. Mori was watching him go, unmistakable adoration in his eyes. Tamkai smiled to himself, 'I wonder if Honey noticies how much Mori loves him. Heck, I wonder if Mori realizes it.'  He nodded to Mori-sempi before strolling over to his bag, chattering about some nonsense that even he didn't understand. Usually he liked to talk about anything, but right now he was anxious for that call. He started to pace around the couch craddeling his bag, wondering if his phone will spontaniously ring just to lift the tension off his sholders, for better or worse. He hadn't notice that he'd gone quiet.

"Tama-chan? Are you okay? *muffled through cake* You seem kinda anxious!" Honey-sempi said. Wait, when had Honey-sempi come out here? 'Get a hold of yourself Tamaki! Either it rings or it doesn't but don't let it get you down. If they find out what he was waiting for...' He shuddered, imagining how they would react. 

"I am perfectly fine Honey-sempi! I am just waiting for those two doplegangers to get here with my darling daughter." Tamaki quickly said. Honey gave him a weird look, but he shrugged before diving back into his cake. Mori's steady eyes were also studing him, but he gave a slight nod and sitting back down with Honey, posture perfectly straight. 

Suddenly Hikaru and Kaurou bursted through the door, Haruhi lagging behind them. He didn't know why, but Haruhi reminded him of his mother, with her gentle but firm demenor and her capability to notice the little things in people. But she was also strikingly different, with her chocolate hair and her indifference towards genders. Yes, at one point he thought he loved her, but honestly Tamaki never really knew what love was, and how he really felt. Harhuhi had explained that though.

After the Ouran fair, Hikaru and Haruhi had told the club that they started dating. Even though they were all worried that he would be upset, he didn't mind. For one thing, both Haruhi and Hikaru were much happier, and that meaned that his family was thriving and that's all he wanted. Sure at first he was a little.. er... depressed, but he got over it. That's when Haruhi and him really dissected his feelings for her, and he found out that his heart had always belonged to a certain other member. 

Anyway, as the first-years got ready, Tamaki striked up idle chat with Honey as he glanced as his bag. Suddenly, he realized that Kyoya wasn't around. He looked around, wondering where his Shadow King had gone. 

"Ehem. Tamaki? Were you going to open up the club or are you gonna let the girls sit in their moe flames until they pass out from fantasies that are way under-realistic." Kyoya said from one of the many couches, his eyes trained on his computer and a smirk lining his mouth. Tamaki, flustered and ranting about how he was simply adding ambiance to the scene, was mentally kicking himself for getting so spacy. He had to get his head together or someone will notice his nervousness. 

"Why hello my lovely princesses, and welcome to the Host Club!" Tamaki said graciously, easily slipping into his princly charm and allowing the laidies in. The twins had come out just in time, dressed as butlers with Harhuhi popping out behind him in a maid costume. Everything was falling into place. He sweeped his arms as he guided his regulars to his designated portion of his room. Suddenly his heart stopped.

"Kiss Kiss Fall In Love!

"Uhh Boss? You gonna get that?" The twins said in usion.

"Hey, I though this was a no-cellphone club." Harhuhi interjected. "And what's with your ringtone?" 

Tamaki wasn't listening. His brain was on autopilot as he walked over to his bag and pulled out his phone. It was his docter, Mr. Yasumi.

"Yes, hello? Is this Mr. Suoh?"

"Yes this is he."

"Well Tamaki, we got your reports back. I regret to infrom you that your right eye does infact posess cancer cells. We speculate that you have inhereted the cancer your mother has. You will need to schedual an appointment so we can get a better look at your conditions and see if we need to opperate."

"Oh. O-Okay, I.... Yeah I can schedual an appointment, how soon do you need me in?" Tamaki said, but all that was revolving in his head was cancercancercancer like an alarm blaring.

"I want to clear the cancer cells up as soon as possible, if you can book an appointment with my assistant we will be intouch shortly. I know this is a lot to process, so take it easy."

"Yes sir, thank you sir." Tamaki said before hanging up. His head was echoing with the news. Cancer. He had cancer. They needed to opperate on him. 

Well his day just got worse.


A/N - Haha! So how'd you like the first chapter? I will write the second one soon, I promise!

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