The Truth Behind Bakugo and Midoriya's Hatred for Each Other

Start from the beginning

"Now it's just you and me." Yaoyorozu smirked.

"Yeah, think again.." A tired but annoyed voice said.

Yaoyorozu looked up to see Midoriya glaring her down. He walked closer and slapped her hand off of Todoroki.

"I'm pretty sure I told you to stay away from him, wanna explain why you're near him again? Not only that, you put your hands on him. AGAIN." Midoriya's eyes started to glow as he activated his quirk.

 Yaoyorozu took a step back from Todoroki and glared at the greenette infront of her.

"I was looking for you actually. I happened to run into him so I figured I'd ask him."

"More like interrogate..." Todoroki mumbled.

"What the fuck did you say, you little shit?!?!" Yaoyorozu yelled.

The smaller male immediately flinched and took a few steps back.

"Don't yell at him." Midoriya said sternly as green lightning bolts started lighting up around his arms and legs.

"Anyways, now that I have your attention."

"Yeah, whatever the fuck it is, you better make it quick."

"I planned to."

Midoriya rolled his eyes as he waited for her to continue.

"I wanted to know why the fuck you started all these fucking rumors about me?!" She said outraged, but you could tell she was terrified to be near Midoriya again.

He just shrugged, "It's not like they're not true."

Todoroki sat on the ground and leaned his back against the wall and watched them.

"Besides, it's called revenge."

"Revenge? Revenge for what?!"

"Multiple things."

"You're not being fucking specific, Midoriya!!"

"Since when did you know me to be specific?" He chuckled.

She sighed and held her head while shaking it, "Why did I ever think that I would get a straight answer from you..."

"Hmm...Let me think about that for a minute..Oh right! Because you're a dumb ass."

She flipped Midoriya off then walked away. He turned and looked at the pastel boy sitting on the ground.

"Why the hell are you sitting on the floor?"

"I didn't want to be in the way."

The taller male walked over to him and held out his hand for the other to take. He took his hand and got pulled up onto his feet.

"Thanks, again.."

"No problem, Sho."

"I should probably go find my friends. Talk to you later?"

"Sure, but why don't we hangout later instead? Maybe after school?"

"Sure! But we should do our homework first."

"I don't do it."

"I figured you didn't." Todoroki giggled.

Midoriya smiled. Not one of those sick, twisted ones with ill-intentions mixed in with it. No, this one was a genuine one.

"It appears you're starting to know me quicker than I had anticipated."

"It's not hard to guess. You're a bad boy so of course I'm gonna think you do things that you're not supposed to do."

His Pastel Heart {Pastel!Todoroki x Bad Boy!Midoriya}Where stories live. Discover now