"But all my other friends are gonna be there" I whined

"Ok, just get enough sleep and come here before school" she said

"I will" I chirped and pecked her cheek then walked out of the door

"Have fun" she said

"But not too much fun!" I shouted back to her, making her smile. I walked down the street to where Kendall's car was and she was smoking a cigarette in there, which I disliked intensely. I opened the door and she immediately flicked it out of the window then sprayed some air freshener around.

"Happy?" She asked

"Not unhappy" I shrugged and she kissed my neck for a few seconds then started driving. She was playing some pretty loud rock music and it sounded like the kind of music Matty and his stupid band made "Matty's band sounds like this" I said loudly so she could hear me

"Yeah? What's it called again?"

"Drive Like I Do" I said

"He's so cool" she said

"No, no he is most definitely not cool" I said

"My friends are cool, don't talk about them like that" she smiled

"What about that kid who thinks she's emo but dresses like an extra from the Addams family?" I said and she laughed for a while about that

"Now you've said it I can't get that out of my head" she cackled and banged on the steering wheel "but your friends all look fake as hell, how do you keep up?"

"I don't, we've kinda split in half since Monday and I don't know why but I don't care cause Ashley called me a slut behind my back, just because I had loads of texts from boys on my phone that I don't even text back" I said

"So you're a catch" she said and reached over to put her hand on my thigh "I mean I knew already, you're hot and cute at the same time"

"Thanks babe. You have very good looks and you make me more adventurous" I said

"There's still more adventures, and I just got you to lie to your mom about it and we're gonna fool around in my car while she thinks you're safely at your friend's house" she said

"Sexy" I said and she squeezed my thigh then put both hands on the steering wheel again

"So how do I park at the lake?" She muttered

"You need to cut behind the dentists office and then there's a car park and it's never busy this time at night" I said. It was 10, so all the locals had gone home or left their cars here overnight. I showed her the way and she parked the car, and as soon as she'd put it in park I jumped into her lap and locked lips with her, our hands finding each other's necks and waists, slowly caressing each other's bodies.

"Oh god" she muttered


"Wet wet wet" she said and I smiled and kissed her neck "how is that supposed to help?" She groaned

"It will distract you" I said

"From what? Not dying of sexual frustration?" She complained then kissed my earlobe and nibbled her way up it, trying her best to avoid the piercings "I want you baby. Preferably before I cum in my pants"

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