~Welcome to Arellis~

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Dear _____,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you are a valid candidate to become an Arellian! However, before you are officially accepted as an Arellian, you must tell us about you as well as read through the basic rules of this world.

Let's start with the rules, shall we? Rules are what keep this world in order... somewhat.

~1: No perfect characters. Mary Sues/Gary Stus - please don't make your character one of them.

~2: Balance. Don't make your character invincible - if your character is strong, make sure they have some sort of weakness that balances that out.

~3: Don't roleplay in script! Try to roleplay using sentences.

Ex (X): Milly: *Opens door* Hey!

Ex (O): Milly opened the wooden door, peering around. When she set her gaze on the merchant she was going to meet with, she greeted the merchant. "Hey!"

~4: No smut. Kissing/hugging/etc. is fine, but once the clothes come off, either skip it or take it to PM.

~5: Censor swearing/keep swearing to a minimum.

~6: Be respectful! If you dislike a character, you don't need to bash on the creator of the character.

~7: No controlling other characters. If a character doesn't belong to you, you shouldn't be controlling them (unless your character has a 'brainwashing' type magic. Even then, though, you shouldn't be fully controlling the other character!)

~8: When filling out the form, type in a word that starts with A! That's the password.

~9: Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation! It's fine if you make mistakes, I will make mistakes here and there. But try to do your best! Definitely no text-talk!

~10: Yes, you may have more than one OC! I'm not going to put a limit, but make sure you keep track of all of your OCs.

*Other things to note! Not necessarily rules, but just basic things to do in roleplay!*

~1: When you're speaking OOC (out-of-character), use something to indicate that you are speaking OOC. Things such as brackets, parenthesis, slashes, etc.

[May be updated if I feel I have to add in more rules.]

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