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#1- Follow @Weaslette4Queen please and thank you! You'll get a followback.

#2- No swearing and if you MUST curse, (which I personally see no reason for) please sensor it out. There are young ears on Wattpad so be nice. Also, censor the word kîll or anything like it. Wattpad gets upset when you talk about it.

#3- NO SMUT. nOt On My ChRiStIaN mInEcRaFt SeRvEr!

#4- No overpowered OC's! That's not fair to anyone role playing. Just because they're gods doesn't mean they can do everything.


#6- If I make a mistake, let me know! Don't murder me with"THATS SPELLEDWRONG YOU DIDN'TADD NAME OF OC YOU DIDDLY DIDN'TSNNJCCKGCGXJFX" I don't want to hear it. Kindly tell me my mistakes. I am a human.

#7- I might add this one later cause currently, there is no seventh rule.

#8- Hate the character, not the player! Play nice with each other!

#9- Don't control character/s! It's not fair to you or me. Say it with me: be nice!

#10- Stay active!! It's nice and respectful to me and others. Again, guess what? Be nice!

#11- Write in third person please.

#12- Password? Ya gotta find it! Look harder.....

#13- Idk

#14 - Wait for your form to be accepted!

#15 - No text talk. Be DESCRIPTIVE!

#16 - No adding powers! More powerful gods have three, smaller gods have two, that is IT. No changing powers, just leave 'em like I made 'em and we won't have a problem.

#17 - I'm going to have a satyr character. Under no circumstances unless specifically asked and approved can you make a satyr character, or a word nymph character, or a whatever. Stick with your gods/goddess unless I specifically ask you to take another character.

#18 - On that note, you need to read my character's pages as you need to know at least Andrew's information. It'll keep you updated on why there's a satyr just hanging around.

#19 - Guys. I know I can make mistakes. I know I can sometimes not spell and that's ok. But please, learn how to spell at least your god/goddess' names. The misspelling of thier names KILLS me. I don't know why it bugs me so much but learn to spell their godly name right please! It'll keep the grammar/spelling nazi within me at bay. 😂

The Forgtten Gods // A Group Roleplay // OPENWhere stories live. Discover now