Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

They both situated themselves under the comforter, and Harry wrapped his arm around Ginny protectively, pulling her closer into his warm embrace. Ginny gladly accepted the extra body heat and snuggled closer to Harry before closing her eyes and drifting into a pleasant slumber.


Harry was woken at around 3 to Ginny thrashing violently in her sleep. He was just about to carefully wake her up when she landed a solid kick to his shins.

Harry gripped his leg with a grimace for a moment before preparing to wake Ginny, but before he could, she leapt up out of bed.

"Ginny," Harry said in a low voice that was gentle enough not to startle her, but hard enough that she could hear that he was there and serious.

"Get out."

Harry knew that despite her eyes being wide open, Ginny was still asleep and completely oblivious to what she was saying and doing.

"Get out of my head!" She cried, digging her fingers into her scalp and shaking her head wildly. Harry leapt towards her, rushing to wake her up before she could hurt herself.

"Gin, relax. You're okay, he's not here. He's gone," Harry grabbed her forearms with a gentle strength to pull her hands from her face and head.

"Stop telling me what to do! I won't! I won't!"

Harry's heart constricted as she pulled away from him, struggling to get away as she cried like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

"I won't hurt them! I won't hurt him!" She was practically shouting at this time, and Harry was thankful for the soundproof wards they had permanently boarded around James and Albus' rooms as to not wake the boys after they had gone to bed.

"You're not going to hurt anyone, Gin, you're okay," Harry coaxed, his grip remaining gentle but firm on her wrists while she struggled to get away from him. "Wake up, Ginny. It's just a nightmare. You're okay."

He pulled her tight into his chest and sighed as her struggling grew slower and weaker until it finally stopped all together.

"Ginny? You with me?" He whispered, holding her so tight that he could feel her racing heart.

Suddenly, she began whimpering and squirming in his arms again.

"Let me go," she cried, struggling to get away from him. Her breathing began to grow rapid and shallow once more, and Harry held her tighter, assuming she was still dreaming.

"Let go of me! Get off!" She cradled her stomach protectively in her arms, facing the wall away from her. Harry's arms were encircling her from behind, making her feel constricted and claustrophobic. She needed an escape.

"Harry get off of me!" She screamed, bringing her elbow back against his chest.

"Ow, bloody hell!" Harry cried, immediately letting her go to rub where she had hit him. "What was that for?"

"I said let me go!" She sobbed hysterically. "You didn't listen to me! I said let me go and you didn't!"

"I'm sorry, okay? You had a nightmare and you were hurting yourself! I thought you were still dreaming," Harry shouted back. He didn't mean for his voice to come across as mean or menacing; he had just wanted his tone to match hers. But instead, Ginny's face fell and a dark look passed through her eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Harry stepped forward to hug her, but it was all too much.

Everything was too much- the rubbing of her night shirt on her back seemed to burn her skin. Her lungs felt heavy, as if someone had dropped stones to the bottom, and it was making it hard to breathe. Her chest was constricting as if Nagini was wrapping around her tighter and tighter. Every time either one of them spoke, it felt as if her ears were about to begin bleeding at irritation of the grating noise.

Everything hurt. It was too much.

"Merlin, you're so stupid sometimes!" Ginny snapped. She didn't really mean it, but the churning of her stomach made her want to scream something at him to make him feel the same way.

"What?" Harry asked, his face falling to reveal an expression of hurt and slight anger.

"You always have to act like you're being forced to be the good guy! You're so bloody stupid and annoying and I hate it! Merlin, Harry!"

By this point, both of their faces were wet with tears, but neither of them had the strength to wipe them away.

"You don't mean that," Harry spoke slowly, trying to wrap his mind around what she had said and how much was just adrenaline and anxiety talking.

"Just leave me alone!" She growled, balling her hands into fists so tight that her nails dug into her skin, creating dark half moon divots in her palms.

"Ginny-" he began, trying his hardest to keep his flaring temper in check. It wasn't easy, but he knew that once she settled down she would be heavily apologetic and if he lost his temper, she would feel even worse.

"I'm going downstairs," she breathed, her voice low and hard. "Don't follow me."

Harry watched as she flung open the door and silently stalked down the hall past both James and Albus' rooms. He took a seat on the end of the bed and buried his face into his hands.

Suddenly, there was a series of thundering booms and a final yelp before silence. Harry was on his feet in a flash, the hair on his back of his neck standing on end.

"Ginny?" He called, voice thick and laced with concern.

Slowly, he stepped out of their bedroom. Something inside of him was screaming at him to run as fast as he could to her side, to make sure she was okay.

But the other part of him didn't want to know. Reluctant. Tentative.

Didn't want to confirm his suspicion.

His biggest fear.

"Ginny?" He called again, nearing the end of the hall. He took one final deep breath before turning and glancing at the bottom of the stairs.

His voice broke, coming out barely above a whisper when he saw her crumple in a heap of limp limbs and bleeding from a gash in her forehead, a singular, limp arm wrapped around her protruding abdomen protectively.



(A/N: Ope. Sorry about that. So, uh... here's your update? Honestly, I don't blame you if you hate me for this. It's pretty crappy, and it ended on an awful cliffy-- if you would like to make comments screaming at me about the ending of this chapter, you may now do it here. Thank you for reading and... I hope you're enjoying??? I don't even know anymore man :| it's fine )

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