Love and Loyalty part 2

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True to their fears, Bucky woke up twice during the night. First time was a nightmare. Second time he was crying and couldn't go back to sleep so Steve brought him in their room so he could get some rest.

Bucky woke up first the next morning, he looked around the room. Nothing interested him and he didn't know how long his parnets would be asleep. He got off the bed slowly and carefully despite being sandwiched between them. He got his bunny from under the blankets.

"Sshh." He told his bunny. Bucky went in the living room and looked around for his tablet or the remote control. He couldn't find either. They were really good at hiding stuff. Bucky looked around for something to do or eat. But everything was locked away. Then his metal arm shifted. Bucky looked at his bunny.

"But they get mad." The plates shifted again.

"Kay." Bucky grabbed the lock on the fridge and broke it. He opened the fridge and smiled. He got his milk and yogurt. He dropped the yogurt on the carpet and it spilled.

"Bucky?!" Said a voice belonging to Steve, Rumlow was right behind him.

"What did you do?" Said Steve. Bucky looked down at his feet, he knew he was in trouble.

"Why did you do that?" Asked Rumlow.

"I hungry. Bunny break it." He pointed to the lock.

"Bucky, it's a stuffed animal it doesn't do anything. Look at the mess you've made. Why didn't you just wake us up?" Rumlow was raising his voice, Bucky was crying.

"Rumlow, it's fine. We can clean it up."

"That lock is broken, Steve."

"Then we'll find something to latch it until we buy another one."

"Time out corner now." Said Rumlow. Bucky didn't move for a minute, Rumlow hit his backside. Bucky yelped and ran to his corner.

"Brock, really?"

"He wasn't listening."

"Why don't you go run off whatever got you upset? You're not going to take it out on him." Said Steve. Rumlow went in their room and changed his clothes. He walked back out and caught a glimpse of Bucky crying.

Rumlow ran around the park a few times before he had to stop for a breath. He woke up in a bad mood all because of this questioning his alliance and love for Steve and Bucky. He hated that. He loved Steve, he really did. He changed his life around for Bucky. They became his entire world since Hydra stole it from him. Bucky needed a real life and he loved seeing him smile. Rumlow looked at his hands, he hit Bucky this morning. He really could have handled that better.

"What have I done?" He ran back to the house and went inside. Steve was sitting in his recliner with Bucky on his lap. Steve glared at him. Rumlow quickly took a shower and went back to the living room.

"Is he alright?" Asked Rumlow.

"He won't eat. I've tried to give him milk, he won't take it. He doesn't want pancakes or cinnamon rolls and he's shaking." Rumlow sighed and crouched in front of him.

"Hey, can you look at me, please?" Rumlow touched his shoulder, he flinched. Bucky turned to Rumlow, his eyes were red rimmed. Now he felt awful.

"Why won't you eat?"

"Bad, bad."

"You're not bad. I should have handled that better. I shouldn't have hit you, I'm really sorry." Bucky was crying again, Rumlow touched his face, he flinched again.

"Are you afraid of me?" The look in Bucky's eyes told all. Rumlow was close to crying, this was bad.

"Bucky, I am so sorry. I woke up in a bad mood and I should have never yelled and hit you. Please don't be afraid of me." Bucky looked at Rumlow then at Steve. Bucky moved from Steve to Rumlow.

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