Lake Night

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She caught her breath and retook Kyoshi by the hips, turning to the side, offering up the smooth, unblemished skin of her throat.
   "That side of my face is busted up, stupid," she whispered in the darkness. "Kiss me where I'm not hurt."

Kyoshi listened and started gently kissing her throat, and then another kiss a bit deeper this time. She could see Rangi enjoying what she did so she continued with a third kiss. The firebender leaned backwards to get in a more comfortable position, Kyoshi followed her motion bending over her.
   Luckly Rangi didn't wear her armor just the basic red shirt and pants of her uniform and the white tunic beneath it. Kyoshi got Rangi out of her shirt and gave her another few kisses until she reached the neckline of the tunic.
  "I'm going to try something," she said pulling the firebender's pants a bit down, her hand disappearing in the lower opening of the white tunic.
   Rangi started to moan in pleasure, the Avatar bent over again giving her a few short kisses on the not busted part of her face and continued what she did with her hand in the firebender's tunic while holding herself up with the other hand.
   Rangi pulled Kyoshi closer and moaned louder then before.
   The Avatar welcomed the firebender's radiating heat, she started to sweat Rangi was literally even hotter than normal.
   Kyoshi rubbed her knees on the hard ground, but she didn't notice, all she could think of was the hot firebender bodyguard beneath her.
   Or above her? because suddenly Rangi turned around and was now on top of her and bend down for a long kiss, her lips as hot as the rest of her body.
  After a while and a few last kisses they got really exhausted and fell asleep on top of each other.

   The morning sunrise had never been so warm. Kyoshi had slept better on the hard-packed shore of the lake, without a bedroll, than she had any of the nights spent camping between Chameleon Bay and Hujiang. Perhaps that was because she had her own fire now. She didn't have to share it with anyone else.
   Rangi murmured into the base of her neck, a soft thrumming sensation. A shadow loomed over them both. Kyoshi blinked until she saw a pair of leather boots next to her head. Kirima squatted down closer to their level, her hands on her knees and her chin on her hands.
   "Have a nice night?" the Waterbender said, batting her eyelashes.


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