Chapter 3

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"Were just friends!!" Miles almost yelled at him. "Ok ok just be careful." Jefferson said with a wink causing miles to storm off to his room. A couple minutes later Gwen walks in and asks how she looks. "Amazing." Miles said mouth agape while sitting at his desk. This caused Gwen to blush and grab the back of her neck. "Miles there is something I need to tell you." Gwen says sitting down looking like she was going to cry. "What is it?" Miles asked concerned. "It's about why I came here, everything I said was true I did miss you and wanted to be with you but there was also something else." Gwen said starting to cry. "Hey you can tell me anything I will always be here for you." "Alright, my-my-my dad died about a week before I came to see you. And when Miguel gave me the watch all I could think about was coming to see you. And talk to you but, when I did, I just, I couldn't talk about it." Gwen said balling in her lap. Miles walked over to her and sat down next to her on his bed, he wrapped her up in the tightest hug either of them had ever had and told her, "Everything is going to be alright, I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere." Gwen looked up at him and said, "How did I get so lucky to get you as a friend?" "I'm the lucky one Gwen." Miles said before going back to hugging her. Both of them were sad because of Gwen's dad but happy because they were together. But neither of them looked up and saw Miles's parents at the door listening to the whole thing. They just looked at each other with an approving nod and left them alone, without telling them dinner was done. The next morning was nice. It was Saturday and Gwen woke up at 9:53 and was laying with her head on Miles's chest. Normally this would freak her out, but right now it only felt right. She went back to sleep, wanting this to never end. When Miles woke up it was 11:17. "I almost never sleep in for this long." He thought with out realizing Gwen was still on top of him, asleep. "I mean I usually wake up at around 9:00 on a weekend and even if I don't my parents usually get me up for breakfast at 10:00." Miles thought. He was brought out of his deep thought when he heard Gwen crack the smallest most cutest snore that he has ever heard. He very slowly moved her off of him not wanting to wake her up. And went downstairs, "man am I starving," he thought before noticing a note one the counter that said, "Had to go to work made you guys breakfast it's in the fridge, plus Miles, call dad when you get a chance." That last part scared him, "What did he want?" "Was it important or not?" "I'll just call him." Miles thought. 'Ring, ring.' "Hello?" The other voice said, except it wasn't his dad. "Hello?" Miles said with a cautious tone while taking his eggs and bacon out of the microwave. "Who is this?" The voice asked. "This is Miles, who are you and why do you have my dads phone?" Miles said slightly worried. "Oh are you Jefferson's kid?" The man asked. "Ya, now who is this and where's my dad?" Miles said starting to get more assertive. "Miles I don't know how to tell you this, especially over the phone but, your dads been shot, he is in surgery, and the man who shot him has already been arrested." "This is the Hospital, you may want to get over here as quick as possible the Doctors don't know if he will make it." Miles dropped his plate at that last part making it shatter and wake Gwen up. "Ok I'm on my way," was all she heard. She got up and went to the kitchen and saw Miles standing there with just a blank face looking at the microwave he had just got his food out of. "What's going on Miles?" Gwen asked but got no response. Seeing Miles go from emotionless to straight fear and he collapsed when he heard her voice. "Hey Miles what's going on?" Gwen ran over and comforted him by rubbing his back while he has squatting down balling. "It's my dad," he managed to get out, "He was shot and they don't know if he's going to make it, I need to go to the hospital." Miles said still balling but now hugging Gwen. "Let's go," she said. "Alright," Miles said as the started to swing to the hospital at which his mom works at. As soon as they got there, the desk clerk saw Miles and just said to go on through but Gwen would have to stay since it was family only. This caused Gwen's stomachs to turn, "he can't be alone right now." She thought but the next thing she heard almost made her start to squeal with happiness. "She is family." Miles said without hesitation causing Gwen to look at him with a huge smile on her face. "Alright but sign in first." "Is he ok?" Miles asked signing them both in under Morales. "Huh, Gwen Morales sounds kind of nice." She thought before yelling at herself internally. "What are you doing?!? You need to stop this before Miles notices and asks what wrong." She thought and then she heard Miles say let's go to her as he took her hand. She liked it when Miles held her hand, it made her feel nice. "Hey Miles," Jefferson said before getting a huge bear hug from Miles. "Woah, clam down, I'm fine it was just in the shoulder." He said as he tried to point at it but winced in pain. "Are you sure?" Miles asked with a look of concern on his face. "Yes, I'm sure." Jefferson said, "it's not the first time I've been shot." He said with a smirk. "Who was it, I mean the dude who answered your phone said they caught the guy?" Miles said hopefully. "Well not necessarily," Jefferson started, "I shot the guy and he bled out but that's not important, and he was just some guy looking for Spider Woman." He said. That last part almost ripped Gwen's heart out. "He almost died because some jerk was looking for me." She thought. This made her run out of the room crying. Causing everyone to look at her and Miles to tell his family to give him a minute. Rio and Jefferson both knew that Miles was Spider-Man but they didn't tell him that they knew so that he wouldn't worry about it and so he could tell them on his own time. But neither of them knew that Gwen was Spider Woman until now. Miles was searching everywhere until he realized that she loved the sky, so he swung up to the roof. And there she was.

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