Chapter 1

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Miles laid in his bed listening to Sunflower by Post Malone, he was glad that kingpin has been defeated, but he was sad that his friends had to leave him. While laying there he heard someone say his name but he didn't know who seeing as Ganke had left for the week and wouldn't be back for a couple of days. Then he heard it again only this time he saw a portal opening to Gwen, "have a minute?" She asked as she stepped through on to Miles's bed. Miles sat up with the biggest smile he had ever had. "I wonder why I'm so happy?" Miles thought to himself. "How have you been Miles?" Gwen asked before sitting down. "I've been better." He said. "What's wrong?" Asked Gwen "I'm really glad that we stopped Kingpin and Dr. Octavius but after all that I've just been really missing you guys." Miles said as his smile faded away. Gwen hugged him, "I missed you to." She said. Miles's smile had come back after she hugged him. "Why are you here? And how are you here?" Miles asked before getting really worried and started rambling on about how she need to go back or she could die and how he couldn't lose her. Gwen grabbed him and gave him another hug to calm him down. Then she started to explain everything, "A man named Miguel O'Hara otherwise known as Spiderman 2099 had come to her universe and gave her a watch that allows her to travel to different dimensions while it also stabilizes her atoms so she doesn't glitch. You can also text and call people with it. Except the call is more like a FaceTime because it projects a hologram of the person you're talking to." "Wow that's awesome." Said Miles feeling a little sad that he didn't get one. Gwen saw this and told him that she had a surprise for him. "Tada. She said giving Miles three of the watches. "These are for me?" He asked, his eyes full of excitement. "Yes the are, and they are DNA coded so that only you can use them, the extra are just in case you lose or break any of them. Gwen said. "Thanks so much." Miles said as he gave her a hug. "Why didn't that guy bring them, what did you say his name was?" "Miguel O'Hara and I asked if I could bring them to you." Gwen said with a slight blush. "Why?" Miles asked, completely oblivious to Gwen's blushing cheeks. "Because I missed you." Gwen said, sad that he didn't seem excited that it was her. Almost as if he knew what she was thinking Miles said, "Well I am really glad you brought these instead of some man." This made Gwen cry with happiness as she wrapped him in yet another hug. This caused Miles to be concerned for her. "Is everything ok?" He asked "Ya, why?" Gwen said "It's just you seemed a little sad earlier plus I think you left a puddle on my shirt and you seem to be a lot more 'huggy' then the last time we saw each other." Miles said "I will admit that I have been a bit sadder since I left here the first time and when I got here and told you that I wanted to bring you the watch instead of Miguel you just kinda sat there not looking to excited." "That couldn't be farther from the truth." Miles said. "There is probably no one in the world that I would rather see right now other then you." Miles said, this time he was blushing and Gwen certainly noticed. "I'm glad you feel that way." Gwen said, "because I feel the same way." She hugged him. "Now about this hugging thing," Miles said as he hugged her back. She pulled away when she heard this. "I want to know why you are so into hugging lately?" Asked Miles. The truth was she wasn't, she just wanted to be with Miles, as close as possible. "I'm just starting to feel lonely I guess." Gwen said surprising Miles because she almost never talked about her feelings. "I have tried to make friends in my dimension since I went back but they all either ignore me or just give me weird looks." "What's wrong with me Miles, am I scary or weird?" Gwen said about to cry. Miles pulled her into a hug, "There is nothing wrong with you," Miles said. "You are probably the best and most perfect person I know, in any dimension." Miles said adding that last part on for extra effect. This caused both of them to blush. Gwen looked at Miles and asked "Can I stay here for a couple of days?" "Of course." said Miles remembering that it was Friday in the morning and he had school, which made him sad that he had to leave Gwen. But he also remembered that it was the weekend after that and they could spend as much time as they wanted together. "I will sleep on the floor you can have my bed." Miles said seeing that it was 1:39 in the morning. "No I can't take your bed away when I was the one who dropped in on you." Gwen said. "It's fine Gwen plus I would rather sleep on the floor then on Ganke's bed." Miles said. "Why is that?" Gwen asked "Do you really want to know what goes on in his bed late at night while he thinks I'm asleep." "NOPE!!!!" Gwen almost screamed causing Miles to laugh as he got a pillow and blanket from the closet and laid on the floor. "I feel bad about taking your bed away." Gwen said sounding a little sad. "Don't be, I needed a change from that mattress anyways." Miles said comforting Gwen. They both fell asleep with in minutes.

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