dancing on air 1

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"marry! dishes" I blew my pale blond hair out my eyes taking my pointed toe off of the headboard

"ok auntie grease!" I teased back skipping downstairs adding a little cartwheel she sighed

scolding me with her eyes "no dancing in the kitchen"

"aye aye captain" I said mock saluting her ,she playfully glared at me flicking some water at my noes

I laughed grabbing the plate from her

and starting to wash it ,by 7:55 my hands were like prunes but

I was done already

I dried my hands looking around to see if aunty greey was still home

"greeyyyy!" no answer

I squealed slipping off my slippers my pointers coming into veiw I peeled my jumper off keeping on my ballet white top and

tied my hair into and tight neat bun running out the house into the secret green house it was full of beautiful wild flowers witch grew by themselves

I turned on the radio wings by birdy playing

I got into position then slowly descended letting my foot slide my arm holding my leg in place

then the chorus came on so I flipped twirling at the end in the air I felt like I was dancing on air

I landed on a split then lifting my foot to my neck flipping low

strings of hair escaping my bun

"I didn't know I lived next to a ballerina"

I let out a scream falling back into the plants

"oh--are you usually this clumsy-lift your leg--no just-ow" I grunted as he finally got me out my leg was around his neck and my oyher grasped by his arm

my eyes wide as he chuckled leaning close "your really flexible I can use that"

I gasped un-twirling from him "and your-your ugh!"

I screamed frustrated

he chuckled "no really I can use you..you know for dancing" my cheeks turned red as beets and I cleared my throat

laughing nervously "of course I knew that pfft I was just..yea"

I said pushing my hair behind my ear

he gave me a card ,"you got some real talent meet up there tomorrow" he said then turned around walking away

I looked at the card my eyes popping out "uhh wait! I didn't get your name" I called out

he turned around smirking "arsen" his grey eyes looking into my bright blue ones "you?"

I gulped my throat dry "m-marriette" I stuttered mentally face palming

he finally walked away and I groaned sitting down but jumping when I heard his voice from outside "by the way...nice b

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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