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Name: Arcanum Arela, meaning mysterious and secrets.

Age: Unknown. "I'm a younger than Zenda.." She murmured.

Species: "Demon..uh big cat thing." A heavy sigh escaped her lips.

Appearance: Medium height with a slim build not a lot of muscle like Zenda but has some. Long dark brown hair with reddish-brown highlights, glowing crystal purple eyes hidden by her hair. A scar runs down her back, turning jaggedly around her waist to her stomach; like a snake.

Clothing: Normally wears v-cut long sleeved shirt, some jeans and Nike tennis shoes.

Accessories: Normal wears a beautiful diamond heart necklace.

Personality: Proper, nice, kind, shy, timid at times, selfless, naive and also very mysterious but if her demon get in control she cruel, heartless, mean and vicious.

Powers: Controls crystals and can feel others emotions.

Strengths: Feeling others emotions she is able to know how to aggravate people easy to make them foolish in battle. Is quite good with a bow and arrow.

Weaknesses: even though she can feel others emotions it effects her as well and it takes its toll trying to suppress those emotions.

Other: Zenda took her under wing and is often found with her, very protective.

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