"What's back there?" She asked and turned around to see what was there "Oh, pass the crackpipe"

"You're not smoking crack and driving"

"I know, I just need to hide it cause that's totally gonna trigger dad again if he looks around in here" she said and Kylie passed her the pipe and she put it in the glove box and locked it.

"Sorry about her crackheadness" Kylie sighed

"It's cool" I shrugged

"Told you I was cooler than you Kylie" Kendall said and started driving while she smoked

"Can I take a few beers?" Kylie asked

"Yeah, just not too many" she said

"Thanks" she smiled and got four beers out. It was only a short drive to their house so we were out of the weed ridden car as fast as we'd got in, and Kendall busied herself with hiding everything in there "thanks for the ride"

"No problem" she shrugged and stamped the cigarette out on the floor then picked it up and put it in the trash can

"You're not meant to do that" I said, gesturing to the bin and she frowned

"Oh. Where do you want me to put it?" She asked confrontationally

"Sorry, it just says on the-"

"Forget it, she's a bitch" Kylie said and took my hand, leading me away as Kendall eyed me up and down like I was a piece of meat. We went back into the house through the garage and her parents were already up. It was only 6am on a Sunday.

"You guys are up early" Kris said as she stirred her coffee with her usual sweet smile

"Yeah, we went to watch the sunrise up on the hill" Kylie said

"Cool, I could have given you guys a ride. Did Kendall go with you? I went to her room and she wasn't in there" Bruce said

"Yeah" she said shortly and we went into the back yard with her dog Norman and talked "so there's this guy I've been talking with and he's really nice and stuff but I don't know if it's gonna work"

"Ooh, who is he?" I asked

"I dunno" she shrugged

"You like this guy but you don't know who he is?" I smiled

"No, he's a rapper" she said

"Lemme guess... Tyga" I said. They'd been hanging out a lot recently and I found it super gross that they were doing that, considering they had an eight year age gap.

"Yeah" she sighed

"Doesn't he have a kid? Doesn't he have a girl?" I asked

"Yeah but he wants to break up with her"

"Ky, I love you but don't you think you should leave it until you're a little older and he's not with his baby mama?" I suggested

"Maybe" she said "I'll think about it a little longer"

"Has he asked you out or anything yet?" I asked

"He's asked me if I wanna go to dinner with him" she said "but there would be paparazzi there so his girlfriend would know about us going out to dinner"

"Just do what feels right for you. I know you'll make the right choice"

"What would you do?"

"Me? I'm a virgin, I don't know shit about boys" I laughed "but I guess I'd rather live my teenage life than be with someone who's an adult"

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