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Third POV:

The slightly turquoise air that sparkled in the sunlight glimmered as (C/n) walked into the forest with a empty basket, the white trees with the green blue leaves providing fruits of pinks, blues, and purples. It was a fairly average day to (C/n), wake up, grab your basket and go out fruit hunting... Yea its still early in the morning.

After looking at her surroundings as she walked... Again. She finally made it to this meadow, it wasn't big, but it also wasn't small. Inhabiting the meadow was large herd of horses, she didn't know where they came from, they just sort of appeared one day and sort of stuck around. She didn't mind them though, and they didn't mind her, sure in the beginning they were extremely weary of her and would said her at all costs, but with patience and soft words they didn't mind her.

Reaching the tree in the middle of the meadow she put her arm through the baskets handle and gracefully climbed up the tree, her grabbing onto the branches with ease and pulling herself up to the next branch. She reached the upper branches and settles herself down on a branch and propped her basket on a natural holder in the branches that she would always use. Carefully climbing out to the farther branches she started picking the fruits that grew on the tree that would make up part of her diet. What the fruit did for her? Well her skin seemed to glow, who knows, the fruit actually might of made her glow, and provided lots of other vitamins. They also seem to give her some sort of ability that, because of her eating the fruit so regularly, became a part of her that gets stronger for 6 hours after eating the fruit.

What this power is? You'll have to figure out readers, but I'll give you hints along the based on what she is able to do.

Once she was sure she had enough fruit she went ahead and grabbed the basket and climbed back down the tree, going a bit slower than when going up. For some reason this tree always seemed to be plentiful, but she never took more than she needed, there was no need to.

She walked back to her home barely making a sound, she had learned how to do this by watching the wildcats and now knew how to put her feet down softly. She actually learned how to do a lot of things by watching the animals around her, especially with communication, she actually had someone who teached her the different body poses that meant different things. But there was a problem with this, she didn't know how to speak so she communicated by body poses but, she didn't have ears for long time, now she has ears that are easy to move to the different positions that are need to express oneself.

And I just now realized how different I am making her to be then the picture up from the cover, darn it.

You know what, F it, imagine the tall cat avatars from Avatar, remove the hair, make the head a sphere, slap the coloring of the CH on the cover on it, make it female and wearing the cloths that the CH on the cover is wearing and there you go. Oh yea can't forget to make her shorter so she's about Russia's size, that's perfect! Remember, Russia is REALLY tall.

She was taught the language of the body by her friend, she is a bird, they are called milk birds because of their color.

(C/n) eventually made it to her home and when she walked in she was met with the sight of her friend, she flicked her ears toward and made a small noise to get her friend's attention, and it did.

After eating the other fruits that she had picked she decided to go to the crystal sands (apparently the crystal sands is the place of the demon, it was word 666) she wanted to enjoy the last few rays of sunshine before having to sleep.

She breathed in the amazing scent of the trees but stopped when she heard strange noises ahead. Getting down on all fours she creeped toward the sounds and stopped in the grass when she could finally see what was making the noise. There were these tall buildings with a very irregular shape that seemed to be floating on the water but was also on the beautiful sands of the island. She then saw these weird creatures come out from these structures and walk down a flat tree to the sands below. She didn't know what to do but she could tell that the creatures were curious and cautious.

She could go introduce herself but she wasn't sure that they could understand her. But then again, you never know if you never try.

She studied them, looking for the best creature she should introduce herself to, there was two mostly blue ones, a red and white one, and a red white and blue one, and they wore some interesting pieces of cloth and one of the blue ones have a weird eye piece over their eye.

She decided the approach the closest one while the other creatures were studying the sands for some reason, she gently crawled down the so she was still hidden, when she was at the edge of the grass she stopped, contemplating on how she was going to do this.

It didn't take long but she decided to move the grass to get the creative's attention. So with that in mind she moved the grass catching the attention of the creature, when she was sure the creature was looking her way she gently crawled out on to the sands, She could see the shock on the creatures face, but what shocked her was the similarities between them, same shape head, can stand on two paws.... Actually that was all the similarities she could find between them at the moment.

She gently approached and sniffed the air, she was surprised by the scent of many other animals coming from this one. Of course the scent drifted her way.

The creature noticed her go on to the sands and they were surprised and shocked, they just let her approach and curious as to why she didn't really seem scared to approach. She stopped just outside of arms reach and looked and them curiously and she could confirm that the animal smell was coming from them.

She chirps a greeting and looks at them hoping they would understand, they didn't, they just looked at her confused.

"Um, Hello, who may you be?"

(C/n) just stared at the creature with a blank stare, she didn't understand what they was saying and it confused her since she is able to talk to other species.

Realization seemed to dawn upon the creatures as they looked at her further, that she is a Countryhuman.


I AM SO SORRY, I have not posted this chapter because all this time I'm like "I can put more!" "This is not the end of the chapter yet!" "Where was I going with this story again?" "I can't remember anything anymore......"

I've also been busy waiting for the next episode of My Hero Academia, so I feel bad for not doing anything about this story, will need to restart the self roleplay for this story that way I can actually put out more chapters for this story. Again, I am really sorry for not posting anything on this story.



p.s. and a happy New Year, WE ARE NOW IN 2020 PEOPLE!!!!!

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