i have a crush

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I known Alex for 2 weeks now and I have had this feeling everytime she's around me even when she pass by me.we went mining together and I found some diamonds Alex said that I could keep the diamonds well good thing she isn't a gold digger.when we went home we got soaked by the rain we put our shirts in the dryer we didn't want to take everything off cause we didnt want to be naked in front of each other I had my pants on and Alex had her shorts and her bra on.I guess Alex kinda blushed cause she saw my abs.We got ready for bed and my dog likes Alex so much that he wouldnt even let me touch Alex
Alex:good night
Steve:good night
We went to bed but I couldn't sleep I saw Alex was right away sleeping she looked to cute when she sleeps I was blushing cause she was in her bra but I couldn't stop thinking about her she was so beautiful.

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