He pondered this.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you sooner, Katsu" He looked up and noticed her arms were outstretched for a hug.

He scoffed, "You know I always hated you calling me that."

Izumina pouted, "Fine, no hug for you then." She laughed to herself and Katsuki couldn't help but smile. Izumina calmed herself then said, "I've been here a little too long. I have to get home. Bye Katsu-"

"Let's go then," he interrupted.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"It's been years since we last talked," he explained while walking in front of her and down the path. "Least you can do is let me walk you home, you owe me."

"Wha—" Izumina mumbled.

"You gonna gawp all day or are you gonna come with me, damn dork!"

Izumina smiled from ear to ear and ran after him. Katsuki remember where she lived and walked her all the way home. Along the way the two middle schoolers shared stories throughout the past few years of their lives. Katsuki told Izumina all about his plans to get into UA High's superhero course, a conversation she'd heard about a million times from Izuku. Nevertheless she listened intently and encouraged his dream. Just as she always did for Izuku.

When they got to Izumina's house they stopped on her porch. The two were completely lost in conversation, so they just stood there talking for another hour or so. They had sat down on a hanging wood bench, which was near the far wall of the tiny porch.

Izumina lived across the street from Izuku's apartment complex. So, as her and Katsuki sat on the bench, lightly swinging in the breeze, she told Katsuki about the night she left. The whole while staring at her best friend's house. She could see the door to his apartment from there. As she stared across the street and at the door to his home, she recalled as much from that night as she could and confided in Katsuki.

Bits and pieces were blurry, for instance why they had left in the first place, why had they been in such a rush, and why her mother had told her to never talk to her father again. Izumina, although she never understood why, tried to stay true to her mother as much as she could. She spoke to her father as little as possible to manage, and got by on single sentences plus head nods. Her father hadn't seemed to notice her withdrawal in vocabulary yet, that or he just didn't care. Either way he had given her a home this past year and never treated her with disrespect, that much she was grateful for.

She told Katsuki about saying goodbye to Izuku, and her house in Quebec. As well as how her mother had died. At parts she would pause and sniffle, but for once Katsuki seemed to know when to be quiet. He listened to her stories without interrupting, and awkwardly patted her shoulder whenever she got emotional, trying to keep a tough front while still helping to comfort her.

When she had finished her stories she sighed and looked up at the clouds. She and Katsuki sat in silence for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, quite the contrary. It was a peaceful silence, listening to cars drive by and birds chirping in the distance.

Izumina had to admit, she'd really missed Katsuki's company. Not that she would have given up Izuku for anything. She didn't regret her decision to stay away from Katsuki till now, she simply enjoyed being with her old friend, the way he used to be. Before quirks and popularity were thrown into the mix. She was content with being next to that angry porcupine of a boy.

"Thanks for listening Katsuki," Izumina said, breaking the silence.

"Don't mention it." The boy pulled out his phone and grunted as he read a message on the screen. "Damn that hag! He screamed, not at anything in particularly close range to him. "I've gotta go home now. That witch is looking for me." He explained to Izumina, referring to his mother. "Later!" He flung his backpack over his shoulder and took off down the driveway.

"Bye Katsu!" Izumina shouted after him. He did a three sixty degree turn and saluted with his two fingers extended. In a see you later motion.

The brunette smiled as she watched the boy run off. She hoped he wasn't in too much trouble. With that she stood from the swing and strode inside her house.


Author's Note

Sorry for the uneventful chapter, the next one is going to be much more enjoyable and important to the plot so please stay tuned. Thank you to all the people who have been supporting this story. Aside from this fanfic I have been working on two other books so I apologize for the slow updates. Again, just, thank you for all the support and I can't even believe that anyone is reading this 😅
You guys have been absolutely great and I hope you like the plot I have planned for upcoming chapters, hopefully we will get to met the characters of class 1-A real soon.

- Author

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